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NASA Will Announce a Major Mars Discovery on Monday (iflscience.com)
3 points by fla on Sept 26, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

"One of my interest is understanding the formation mechanism of Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL). RSL are active features on Mars that might require flowing water. On Mars, they form and grow during warm seasons and disappear during cold seasons. They recur over multiple years in generally the same location. I use remote sensing instruments on board various Mars orbiting space crafts to understand their geological/hydrological nature. Additionally, I use data from CRISM onboard MRO to understand its formation mechanism." ~ http://www.lujendraojha.net/band-horizon/

Luju Ojha is on this announcement. Another hint is this article in 2011 suggesting the possibility of liquid water in "warmer seasons on Mars". ~ https://nepaliblogger.com/news/nepali-scientist-lujendra-ojh...

Will they announce they've found an alien robot meeting with one of our robots?

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