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on Dec 20, 2009 | hide | past | favorite

"We can’t verify if the video is authentic in nature [...]"

In other words, there's nothing of real value in this article.

If it's not authentic, I would still find value in the dramatic performance. Great acting, if that's all it is.

Dramatic? I wouldn't put it past Balmer at all, it's in line with his generally disturbing behaviour.

I can beat that. Last Monday I was fired from Google by Larry Page because I kept saying "Bing!". It's just so catchy. Then I got hired by Yahoo on Tuesday, but got fired on Wednesday by Jerry Yang (who does he think he is, the CEO still?) because I still couldn't get "Bing!" out of my head! I'm hoping I can take this guys job at Microsoft.

I'll upload my YouTube video later today, so it's credible enough to post on your blog.

So they will update the article as soon as they’ve done some real journalism? Great! I didn’t know you could do that (… do that and keep your integrity, that is).

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