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> If you need a really conservative choice, hash the message m as SHA512(m)||SHA3-512(m) (the concatenation of the individual hashes).

Although keep in mind that you'll leak information about the input if either hash leaks information about the input.

For example, the hash function `badhash(blocks) = crc(blocks) ++ goodhash(blocks)` is collision resistant... but you wouldn't want to use `badhash(pad(secret) ++ nonce)` as a precommitment scheme. All of the extra entropy in the nonce, which otherwise might have protected against brute force attacks on low-entropy secrets, is being given to the attacker via the crc.

> For example, the hash function `badhash(blocks) = crc(blocks) ++ goodhash(blocks)` is collision resistant...

Actually, it isn't, for the usual definition of collision resistance compares the work factor to find a collision against 2^(hash_length/2). Extending a hash with crc32 lengthens the hash, but increases the bar for considering the hash collision-resistant. Concatenating the outputs of two collision-resistant hash functions doesn't even (generally) result in a collision-resistant construction under the normal definition of collision resistance.

EDIT: See my nearby post in this same thread for a longer explanation.

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