> SHA-2 is fine, and in fact the more conservative choice right now. SHA-3 didn't happen because SHA-2 was threatened.
To extend on that, shortly after SHA-1 fell, there was the very real threat that the SHA-2 family would follow suit (they are conceptionally similar). This worry brought NIST to hold the SHA-3 competition.
Fortunately, the SHA-1 attacks did not turn out to be transferrable, so far, and consequently trust in SHA-2 has substantially increased since. Still, NIST (rightly) followed through with the initial idea of the contest and chose a hash function that was as different from SHA-2 as possible (Keccak).
Thus, we have now two very high quality hash functions to our disposal. If you need a really conservative choice, hash the message m as SHA512(m)||SHA3-512(m) (the concatenation of the individual hashes). This construction is collision resistant if at least one of them remains collision resistant. (Pseudo randomness relies on the security of both hashes, though, and hashing the whole message twice comes at a hefty performance hit. Especially since SHA3-512 is veeery slow – blame it on the clueless tech media attacking NIST for tweaking Keccak, ignoring even the authors who supported NIST's decision.)
> This construction is collision resistant if at least one of them remains collision resistant
Please don't throw around well-defined terms. This isn't true.
What you mean is that "the work factor for finding a collision in the concatenated pair is at least the max of finding a collision in either half of the concatenation." That's a true statement.
On the other hand, collision resistance is a comparison between 2^(hash_length/2) and the work factor required to find a collision. Concatenating the two outputs would only remain collision resistant if it caused an exponential increase in the work factor to find a collision.
Since the SHA-512 output is the whole hash state, once you've found a SHA-512 collision, you can keep appending to the two collided documents and they'll stay collided, so you can use this as a starting point for your SHA3-512 collision. So, even assuming no weaknesses, the work factor to find collisions in your 1024-bit concatenated construction is 2^256 + 2^256, not 2^512, and thus not collision resistant.
Note that some hash functions output only half of their state vector as the final hash. If you built your construction out of two such hash functions, and no weaknesses were found in either, then your proposed construction would be collision resistant. However, as proposed, it's not collision resistant, even if both underlying hash functions are collision resistant.
> Note that some hash functions output only half of their state vector as the final hash. If you built your construction out of two such hash functions, and no weaknesses were found in either, then your proposed construction would be collision resistant.
Actually, as long as the hash functions are iterative, the whole construction can never be significantly stronger than the best hash function, see [1].
> What you mean is that "the work factor for finding a collision in the concatenated pair is at least the max of finding a collision in either half of the concatenation." That's a true statement.
What I meant was "as long as it is infeasible in practice to find a collision in either of them, it is infeasible to find a collision in the concatenation". Comparing the security of hash functions to random oracles with the same output length only makes sense if the construction of the hash function supposedly affords this security.
Conversely, I find it absurd to call the hash function that outputs the first 64 bits of SHA-1 collision resistant, because it requires at least 2^32 steps to find a collision. It fits with the oracle definition, but gives you no information about its real world security.
If you want to make precise statements, you can add the work factor to your statement, e.g. "The first 512 output bits of SHAKE-256 afford preimage resistance up to a work factor of up to 2^256".
[1] Antoine Joux. Multicollisions in Iterated Hash Functions. Application to Cascaded Constructions. In Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2004, volume 3152
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 306–316. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
> If you need a really conservative choice, hash the message m as SHA512(m)||SHA3-512(m) (the concatenation of the individual hashes).
Although keep in mind that you'll leak information about the input if either hash leaks information about the input.
For example, the hash function `badhash(blocks) = crc(blocks) ++ goodhash(blocks)` is collision resistant... but you wouldn't want to use `badhash(pad(secret) ++ nonce)` as a precommitment scheme. All of the extra entropy in the nonce, which otherwise might have protected against brute force attacks on low-entropy secrets, is being given to the attacker via the crc.
> For example, the hash function `badhash(blocks) = crc(blocks) ++ goodhash(blocks)` is collision resistant...
Actually, it isn't, for the usual definition of collision resistance compares the work factor to find a collision against 2^(hash_length/2). Extending a hash with crc32 lengthens the hash, but increases the bar for considering the hash collision-resistant. Concatenating the outputs of two collision-resistant hash functions doesn't even (generally) result in a collision-resistant construction under the normal definition of collision resistance.
EDIT: See my nearby post in this same thread for a longer explanation.
Concatenation of the hashes seems like an unjustified risk, that in certain circumstances will allow weaknesses from either algorithm to flow throw to the final hash. If you really want to combine the hashes, XOR seems like a safer bet to me (since the algorithms are unrelated there should be no potential cancellation of entropy).
Seems like XOR is better for approximating a random oracle, and appending is (negligibly) better for ensuring collision resistance. People often are not clear about which of these two very different properties they actually want out of a hash.
To extend on that, shortly after SHA-1 fell, there was the very real threat that the SHA-2 family would follow suit (they are conceptionally similar). This worry brought NIST to hold the SHA-3 competition. Fortunately, the SHA-1 attacks did not turn out to be transferrable, so far, and consequently trust in SHA-2 has substantially increased since. Still, NIST (rightly) followed through with the initial idea of the contest and chose a hash function that was as different from SHA-2 as possible (Keccak).
Thus, we have now two very high quality hash functions to our disposal. If you need a really conservative choice, hash the message m as SHA512(m)||SHA3-512(m) (the concatenation of the individual hashes). This construction is collision resistant if at least one of them remains collision resistant. (Pseudo randomness relies on the security of both hashes, though, and hashing the whole message twice comes at a hefty performance hit. Especially since SHA3-512 is veeery slow – blame it on the clueless tech media attacking NIST for tweaking Keccak, ignoring even the authors who supported NIST's decision.)