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Stories from April 10, 2024
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31. British Placename Mapper (rtwilson.com)
111 points by bookofjoe 86 days ago | 120 comments
32. Flattening Bézier Curves and Arcs (minus-ze.ro)
89 points by vg_head 84 days ago | 18 comments
33. AzerothCore: Self-Hosted World of Warcraft 3.3.5a Server (github.com/azerothcore)
167 points by hugodutka 84 days ago | 75 comments
34. Multimillion-dollar L.A. heist was seamless, sophisticated, stealthy (latimes.com)
190 points by walterbell 85 days ago | 154 comments
35. Lessons learned from manually classifying CIFAR-10 (2011) (karpathy.github.io)
66 points by djoldman 85 days ago | 4 comments
36. GPT-4 Turbo with Vision is a step backwards for coding (aider.chat)
164 points by anotherpaulg 85 days ago | 122 comments
37. Client libraries are better when they have no API? (csvbase.com)
159 points by todsacerdoti 84 days ago | 100 comments
38. Juicebox: Squeezing the hassle out of encryption key recovery (juicebox.xyz)
74 points by inmygarage 85 days ago | 22 comments
39. New minerals on the moon explaining the mystery of the lunar landscape (scmp.com)
41 points by ulrischa 86 days ago | 12 comments
40. Better biosensors just need a touch of cheap plastic (ieee.org)
49 points by Brajeshwar 85 days ago | 3 comments
41. Predictive CPU isolation of containers at Netflix (2019) (netflixtechblog.com)
80 points by Cwizard 86 days ago | 21 comments
42. Twitter's pivot to x.com is a gift to phishers (krebsonsecurity.com)
370 points by todsacerdoti 84 days ago | 385 comments
43. Ronda Rousey: "I never wanted to talk about concussion" (theguardian.com)
176 points by PaulHoule 84 days ago | 331 comments
44. The Git repositories of XZ projects are available on GitHub again (github.com/tukaani-project)
100 points by stux 85 days ago | 16 comments
45. SFMTA's train system running on floppy disks; city fears 'catastrophic failure' (abc7news.com)
91 points by sidlls 88 days ago | 238 comments
46. Show HN: CompressX, my FFmpeg wrapper for macOS (compressx.app)
170 points by hieu_dinh 85 days ago | 166 comments
47. Demystifying the Shadow DOM (thetshaped.dev)
46 points by thunderbong 86 days ago | 50 comments
48. Microsoft employees exposed internal passwords in security lapse (techcrunch.com)
168 points by croes 84 days ago | 110 comments
49. Meta used monolithic architecture to ship Threads in only five months (infoq.com)
192 points by RyeCombinator 85 days ago | 139 comments
50. Converting C437 to XNA Spritesheets with Zig and Raylib (jamiejquinn.com)
33 points by jamiejquinn 85 days ago | 1 comment
51. WebAssembly adoption: Is slow and steady winning the race? (thenewstack.io)
96 points by qclibre22 84 days ago | 99 comments
52. [dupe] EPA Says 'Forever Chemicals' Must Be Removed from Tap Water (nytimes.com)
221 points by igonvalue 84 days ago | 2 comments
53. Is It Dry Yet? (badgerbadgerbadgerbadger.dev)
79 points by badgerbbbadger 84 days ago | 144 comments
54. "Volkswagen" detects when your tests are being run in a CI server (github.com/auchenberg)
269 points by science4sail 85 days ago | 25 comments
55. My deployment platform is a shell script (j3s.sh)
130 points by j3s 85 days ago | 138 comments
56. Bzip2 Format Specification (2016) [pdf] (github.com/dsnet)
60 points by signa11 84 days ago | 17 comments
57. Proton and Standard Notes are joining forces (proton.me)
137 points by BafS 84 days ago | 96 comments
58. World's Smallest CSV Parser (C#) (github.com/kjpgit)
64 points by vilark 84 days ago | 71 comments
59. A cheeky intern nearly turned MS-DOS into NSFW-DOS (theregister.com)
85 points by LinuxBender 86 days ago | 75 comments
60. New details on F-16, drone collision in banned Arizona airspace (dronedj.com)
38 points by type_Ben_struct 85 days ago | 27 comments

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