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Stories from January 5, 2012
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1. Why 37signals Doesn't Hire Programmers Based on Brainteasers (37signals.com)
605 points by teaspoon on Jan 5, 2012 | 423 comments
2. A Redditor's insightful message for discouraged students (reddit.com)
414 points by jimmyjim on Jan 5, 2012 | 103 comments
3. Nokia Maps 3D (WebGL) (nokia.com)
271 points by jasondavies on Jan 5, 2012 | 90 comments
4. Spain threatened with trade blacklist for not passing SOPA style law (torrentfreak.com)
239 points by Hates_ on Jan 5, 2012 | 38 comments
5. Reddit traffic doubles in less than a year, to 2 billion monthly pageviews (reddit.com)
251 points by raldi on Jan 5, 2012 | 159 comments
6. The Future of CouchDB (damienkatz.net)
247 points by badcarl on Jan 5, 2012 | 91 comments
7. Why Don’t Smartphones Have A “Guest Mode”? (techcrunch.com)
245 points by jnuss on Jan 5, 2012 | 203 comments
8. California State Senator Proposes Funding Open-Source Textbooks (slashdot.org)
235 points by llambda on Jan 5, 2012 | 49 comments
9. App Engine charges $6,500 to update a ListProperty on 14.1 million entities (groups.google.com)
221 points by branola on Jan 5, 2012 | 141 comments
10. Web Giants Consider 'Nuclear Option' Blackout to Fight SOPA (talkincloud.com)
205 points by SRSimko on Jan 5, 2012 | 60 comments
11. Vint Cerf: Internet Access Is Not a Human Right (nytimes.com)
176 points by rdp on Jan 5, 2012 | 96 comments
12. It Is Time To Stop Pretending To Endorse The Copyright Monopoly (techdirt.com)
171 points by GBiT on Jan 5, 2012 | 106 comments
13. Stephen Hawking to turn 70, defying disease (heraldonline.com)
164 points by edw519 on Jan 5, 2012 | 88 comments
14. Ask HN: Oops, I just sold my startup to a piano company. Now what?
151 points by dangrover on Jan 5, 2012 | 72 comments
15. Sweden recognises new file-sharing religion Kopimism (bbc.co.uk)
141 points by antoviaque on Jan 5, 2012 | 44 comments
16. The Future of Apache CouchDB (cloudant.com)
137 points by jashkenas on Jan 5, 2012 | 18 comments
17. Our first app: One month on the iOS App Store (burningrobot.com)
135 points by jwhelan on Jan 5, 2012 | 60 comments
18. What's new in Linux 3.2 (h-online.com)
130 points by codepopacy on Jan 5, 2012 | 20 comments
19. Rackspace Open Sources Dreadnot (rackspace.com)
120 points by pors on Jan 5, 2012 | 6 comments
20. Why I Won't Hire You (golemtechnologies.com)
111 points by lovelyLaney on Jan 5, 2012 | 124 comments
21. Strace - The Sysadmin's Microscope (oracle.com)
109 points by epenn on Jan 5, 2012 | 24 comments
22. E-books Are Not That Easy (whattofix.com)
106 points by DanielBMarkham on Jan 5, 2012 | 82 comments
23. NASA’s open source projects (nasa.gov)
102 points by rohitarondekar on Jan 5, 2012 | 18 comments
24. Interview Programming Problems Done Right (cforcoding.com)
92 points by cletus on Jan 5, 2012 | 79 comments
25. Ask HN: What's your experience with remote working? as employees/employers?
89 points by fgblanch on Jan 5, 2012 | 99 comments
26. What Scientific Concept Would Improve Everybody's Cognitive Toolkit? (edge.org)
87 points by diego on Jan 5, 2012 | 53 comments
27. Want a Job? Go to College, and Don’t Major in Architecture (nytimes.com)
86 points by zwieback on Jan 5, 2012 | 63 comments
28. SPDY of the Future Might Blow Your Mind Today (belshe.com)
82 points by silvio on Jan 5, 2012 | 27 comments
29. Blogging for Hackers (alexn.org)
82 points by bad_user on Jan 5, 2012 | 37 comments
30. HBO to Netflix: We’re taking our ball & going home (venturebeat.com)
81 points by timjahn on Jan 5, 2012 | 87 comments

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