1. | | Picotron Is a Fantasy Workstation (lexaloffle.com) |
675 points by celadevra_ 9 months ago | 192 comments
2. | | Bitmagnet: A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, and torrent search (bitmagnet.io) |
497 points by KoftaBob on Oct 5, 2023 | 109 comments
3. | | Show HN: Learn German with Short Stories (webbu.app) |
180 points by fersarr on April 26, 2023 | 119 comments
4. | | Tilck – A Tiny Linux-Compatible Kernel (github.com/vvaltchev) |
270 points by gjvc on Jan 8, 2023 | 74 comments
5. | | Interlisp project: Restore Interlisp-D to usability on modern OSes (interlisp.org) |
140 points by tosh on Aug 6, 2020 | 24 comments
6. | | Build an 8-bit home computer with 5 chips (ieee.org) |
284 points by lelf on March 21, 2020 | 94 comments
7. | | The Emacs Package Developer's Handbook (2017) (alphapapa.github.io) |
156 points by rauhl on March 8, 2019 | 25 comments
8. | | x86 Bare Metal Examples (github.com/cirosantilli) |
513 points by Cieplak on March 19, 2019 | 55 comments
9. | | Lambda Cube (wikipedia.org) |
139 points by Cieplak on March 5, 2019 | 53 comments
10. | | K3s – Lightweight Kubernetes (k3s.io) |
458 points by kadel on Feb 27, 2019 | 188 comments
11. | | Things that are more inequitable than road pricing (cityobservatory.org) |
233 points by oftenwrong on Feb 3, 2019 | 270 comments
12. | | ZFSin: A Windows kernel-mode ZFS driver (github.com/lundman) |
265 points by Filligree on Oct 25, 2017 | 108 comments
13. | | BYTE Magazine's Lisp issue (1979) [pdf] (archive.org) |
250 points by pmoriarty on Aug 17, 2017 | 151 comments
14. | | Rigetti Forest 1.0 – programming environment for quantum/classical computing (medium.com/rigetti) |
173 points by reikonomusha on June 20, 2017 | 71 comments
15. | | Low-Level Programming University – A roadmap to becoming a low-level programmer (github.com/gurugio) |
438 points by znpy on April 13, 2017 | 161 comments
16. | | Whiteboard problems in pure Lambda Calculus (jtolds.com) |
200 points by jtolds on March 20, 2017 | 41 comments
17. | | Wallpaper group (wikipedia.org) |
7 points by cjg on April 6, 2017
18. | | Mathematics for Computer Science [pdf] (csail.mit.edu) |
1059 points by lainon on March 6, 2017 | 153 comments