1. | | Entropy: A little understood concept in physics [video] (youtube.com) |
231 points by guptarohit on July 2, 2023 | 163 comments
2. | | Dotfiles Management (mitxela.com) |
311 points by threeme3 on Jan 8, 2023 | 138 comments
3. | | Higher-order organization of multivariate time series (arxiv.org) |
80 points by Anon84 on Jan 2, 2023 | 15 comments
4. | | Does memory leak? (1995) (groups.google.com) |
503 points by rot25 on Feb 22, 2020 | 279 comments
5. | | Huawei was able to eavesdrop on Dutch mobile network KPN: Report (nltimes.nl) |
254 points by miohtama on April 18, 2021 | 131 comments
6. | | The physiological effects of slow breathing in the healthy human (ersjournals.com) |
392 points by luu on Oct 22, 2020 | 270 comments
7. | | Most-favorited Hacker News posts (observablehq.com) |
1266 points by tlarkworthy on Sept 2, 2020 | 259 comments