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1. GPU-Friendly Stroke Expansion (arxiv.org)
169 points by raphlinus 4 days ago | 36 comments
2. A practical introduction to constraint programming using CP-SAT and Python (pganalyze.com)
249 points by lfittl 3 days ago | 39 comments
3. Four lines of code it was four lines of code (conman.org)
169 points by todsacerdoti 6 days ago | 32 comments
4. The Byte Order Fiasco (2021) (justine.lol)
90 points by fanf2 6 days ago | 84 comments
5. Show HN: Safe Routes. real time turbulence data, ML predictions with an iPad (skypath.io)
126 points by oron 8 days ago | 60 comments
6. Launch HN: Hatchet (YC W24) – Open-source task queue, now with a cloud version
245 points by abelanger 9 days ago | 95 comments
7. Tripping on Xenon Gas (2023) (tripsitter.substack.com)
133 points by rajlego 10 days ago | 186 comments
8. Figma Slides (figma.com)
485 points by FelipeCortez 10 days ago | 173 comments
9. Show HN: I built a JavaScript-powered flipdisc display (flipdisc.io)
455 points by simpsoka 11 days ago | 121 comments
10. Show HN: Glasskube – Open Source Kubernetes Package Manager, alternative to Helm (github.com/glasskube)
266 points by pmig 11 days ago | 118 comments
11. Branded types for TypeScript (carlos-menezes.com)
158 points by carlos-menezes 53 days ago | 144 comments
12. Deepkit – High-Performance TypeScript Framework (deepkit.io)
251 points by nikolay on June 8, 2022 | 129 comments
13. Round Rects Are Everywhere (folklore.org)
431 points by zerojames 12 days ago | 183 comments
14. Hacking eInk Price Tags (2021) (dmitry.gr)
127 points by mnem 15 days ago | 25 comments
15. I am using AI to drop hats outside my window onto New Yorkers (dropofahat.zone)
1347 points by jimhi 13 days ago | 440 comments
16. The World Will Soon Witness "One of the Rarest Space Events of Our Lives" (iflscience.com)
55 points by rbanffy 13 days ago | 26 comments
17. Seven Conversation Hacks (randsinrepose.com)
56 points by mooreds 16 days ago | 19 comments
18. Why we no longer use LangChain for building our AI agents (octomind.dev)
480 points by ma_za 16 days ago | 297 comments
19. Why is Android Development so difficult/complex? (compared to Web and Desktop)
34 points by pyeri 16 days ago | 27 comments
20. AdonisJS (adonisjs.com)
101 points by spacebuffer 16 days ago | 64 comments
21. NPM and NodeJS should do more to make ES Modules easy to use (borischerny.com)
233 points by bcherny 16 days ago | 218 comments
22. Please don't mention AI again (mataroa.blog)
968 points by ludicity 18 days ago | 563 comments
23. How/Why to Sweep Async Tasks Under a Postgres Table [video] (youtube.com)
41 points by surprisetalk 23 days ago | 19 comments
24. Discussion on why SQLite is gaining popularity [audio] (syntax.fm)
168 points by thunderbong 25 days ago | 175 comments
25. Show HN: Mesop – Open-source Python UI framework (google.github.io)
130 points by willchen 33 days ago | 54 comments
26. Ice – open source menu bar manager for macOS (github.com/jordanbaird)
670 points by saikatsg 30 days ago | 189 comments
27. Brain overgrowth dictates autism severity, new research suggests (medicalxpress.com)
250 points by jdmark 30 days ago | 343 comments
28. Infrared Infrastructure (shkspr.mobi)
47 points by ColinWright 32 days ago | 17 comments
29. I Hate NestJS (ethang.dev)
106 points by dsego 8 months ago | 91 comments
30. Seeing Like a Data Structure (belfercenter.org)
154 points by barathr 35 days ago | 33 comments

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