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1. Show HN: Nature – Modern System-Level Programming Language and Compiler (github.com/nature-lang)
6 points by weiwenhao 10 months ago | 2 comments
2. Ajla: A new purely functional programming language (ajla-lang.cz)
3 points by mikulas_patocka 62 days ago | 1 comment
3. LO – simple WASM native language (github.com/glebbash)
221 points by glebbash 61 days ago | 63 comments
4. Hurl, the Exceptional Language (hurl.wtf)
315 points by todsacerdoti 62 days ago | 132 comments
5. HTML, the Programming Language (html-lang.org)
319 points by recursivedoubts 7 months ago | 136 comments
6. Show HN: Flyde – an open-source visual programming language (github.com/flydelabs)
298 points by gabigrin 4 months ago | 126 comments
7. Amber: Programming language compiled to Bash (amber-lang.com)
463 points by weaksauce 66 days ago | 313 comments
8. Bend: a high-level language that runs on GPUs (via HVM2) (github.com/higherorderco)
1041 points by LightMachine 70 days ago | 253 comments
9. F* – A Proof-Oriented Programming Language (fstar-lang.org)
236 points by montyanderson 72 days ago | 102 comments
10. Jolie, the service-oriented programming language (jolie-lang.org)
116 points by todsacerdoti 80 days ago | 58 comments
11. Piet: Programming language in which programs look like abstract paintings (2002) (dangermouse.net)
447 points by andsoitis 3 months ago | 71 comments
12. Rye: Homoiconic dynamic programming language with some new ideas (github.com/refaktor)
201 points by nnx 4 months ago | 81 comments
13. Dada, an experimental new programming language (dada-lang.org)
412 points by marionauta 4 months ago | 420 comments
14. The Shen Programming Language (shenlanguage.org)
242 points by tmalsburg2 4 months ago | 84 comments
15. Velato: A programming language where source code must be a valid MIDI music file (velato.net)
112 points by p4bl0 4 months ago | 63 comments
16. Mariposa – A programming language with time-travel (github.com/ambulancja)
152 points by blatta 6 months ago | 62 comments
17. The Neat Programming Language (neat-lang.github.io)
96 points by FeepingCreature 7 months ago | 76 comments
18. Onyx, a new programming language powered by WebAssembly (wasmer.io)
197 points by bkolobara 7 months ago | 86 comments
19. How to help someone use a computer (1996) (ucla.edu)
87 points by alexmolas 8 months ago | 46 comments
20. Nature: Programming language to experience the joy of programming (nature-lang.org)
134 points by psxuaw 9 months ago | 123 comments
21. Berry is a ultra-lightweight dynamically typed embedded scripting language (berry-lang.github.io)
266 points by dannyobrien 9 months ago | 97 comments
22. SudoLang: a programming language designed to collaborate with AI language models (github.com/paralleldrive)
61 points by surprisetalk 9 months ago | 32 comments
23. Show HN: Marsha – An LLM-Based Programming Language (github.com/alantech)
140 points by ISV_Damocles on July 25, 2023 | 66 comments
24. Mini – The Minimal Language (minilanguage.com)
171 points by aethertap on July 19, 2023 | 85 comments
25. Cooklang – Recipe Markup Language (cooklang.org)
179 points by SethKinast on June 27, 2023 | 108 comments
26. Show HN: I created Units Converter that contains 5000 units across 78 categories (kodytools.com)
147 points by KodyBerns99 on June 21, 2023 | 130 comments
27. Our Plan for Python 3.13 (github.com/faster-cpython)
531 points by bratao on June 15, 2023 | 399 comments
28. DreamBerd is a perfect programming language (github.com/todepond)
736 points by Davidbrcz on June 4, 2023 | 208 comments
29. ПП-BESM – a Soviet language (1955) (xav.io)
125 points by 082349872349872 on May 21, 2023 | 28 comments
30. A Tour of Gallifrey, a Language for Geodistributed Programming [pdf] (2019) (dagstuhl.de)
18 points by luu on May 12, 2023 | 2 comments

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