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1. A photographer captures life in America's last remaining old-growth forests (npr.org)
150 points by toomuchtodo 17 days ago | 54 comments
2. Mapping Hacker News to find who knows what in the HN community (blog.wilsonl.in)
379 points by robg 57 days ago | 213 comments
3. Every company should be owned by its employees (elysian.press)
986 points by ellegriffin 57 days ago | 1054 comments
4. Investigating corrupt Winamp skins (jordaneldredge.com)
615 points by treve 57 days ago | 145 comments
5. The Cheapest NAS (sigwait.org)
342 points by henry_flower 79 days ago | 297 comments
6. Uncensor any LLM with abliteration (huggingface.co)
586 points by mizzao 3 months ago | 287 comments
7. Adults with ADHD show decreased function in brain dopamine reward pathway (2010) (nih.gov)
324 points by rbanffy on Oct 3, 2020 | 330 comments
8. Ask HN: How much of your time at work do you spend not working?
200 points by acalderaro on April 10, 2017 | 155 comments
9. Unexpected anti-patterns for engineering leaders (firstround.com)
378 points by jbredeche 3 months ago | 154 comments
10. A Revolution in Thought? – Dr Iain McGilchrist [video] (youtube.com)
2 points by gardenfelder 6 months ago | 1 comment
11. Ask HN: Senior Engineers with ADHD, any mental/physical structures for work?
128 points by neo_optimus on May 15, 2022 | 54 comments
12. Show HN: Slipshow – A presentation tool not based on slides (github.com/panglesd)
229 points by panglesd 3 months ago | 43 comments
13. Doing is normally distributed, learning is log-normal (hiandrewquinn.github.io)
245 points by hiAndrewQuinn 3 months ago | 71 comments
14. Fractal Geometry (yale.edu)
183 points by andsoitis 3 months ago | 30 comments
15. What is ADD? (adrusi.com)
108 points by adrusi on Aug 31, 2015 | 120 comments
16. Cognitive AI for ADHD (comigo.ai)
190 points by jasoncurry on Aug 3, 2023 | 234 comments
17. Monowheels: Vehicles with Insufficient Wheels (douglas-self.com)
92 points by KolmogorovComp 5 months ago | 68 comments
18. I Know the secret to the quiet mind. I wish I'd never learned it (2021) (theatlantic.com)
185 points by ianai 5 months ago | 126 comments
19. How Couples Meet (stanford.edu)
64 points by yamrzou 5 months ago | 73 comments
20. Ask HN: How to onboard yourself to a new product/industry in a new job?
216 points by sujdes 6 months ago | 77 comments
21. When robustly tolerable beats precariously optimal (2020) (askell.blog)
42 points by pajuc 6 months ago | 22 comments
22. The Buckland Review of Autism Employment (gov.uk)
64 points by rbanffy 6 months ago | 23 comments
23. Show HN: Atopile – Design circuit boards with code
595 points by Timot05 7 months ago | 292 comments
24. Gödel, Escher, Bach is the most influential book in my life (2022) (philosophygeek.medium.com)
388 points by drcwpl 7 months ago | 318 comments
25. Current Software Engineers Have No Deep Knowledge (Jonathan Blow) [video] (youtube.com)
59 points by adrian110288 7 months ago | 65 comments
26. Did a 1997 merger ruin Boeing? (finshots.in)
274 points by moose_man 8 months ago | 338 comments
27. Intensionality vs. Intentionality (2002) (buffalo.edu)
48 points by gone35 8 months ago | 3 comments
28. Project Lyra: sending spacecraft to chase Oumuamua using Sun for Oberth maneuver (twitter.com/tony873004)
17 points by blindriver 9 months ago | 9 comments
29. The Small Website Discoverability Crisis (2021) (marginalia.nu)
557 points by ggpsv 10 months ago | 254 comments
30. Swedish unions strike: Blocks mail and package deliveries for Tesla (seko.se)
143 points by TraspSE 10 months ago | 152 comments

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