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1. We need visual programming. No, not like that (sbensu.com)
1178 points by stopachka 15 days ago | 494 comments
2. The Architecture Behind a One-Person Tech Startup (2021) (anthonynsimon.com)
234 points by thunderbong 41 days ago | 78 comments
3. Diffusion Models (andrewkchan.dev)
315 points by reasonableklout 63 days ago | 31 comments
4. CS388: Natural Language Processing (utexas.edu)
178 points by gone35 78 days ago | 10 comments
5. The notifier pattern for applications that use Postgres (brandur.org)
185 points by kiyanwang 74 days ago | 55 comments
6. Design docs at Google (2020) (industrialempathy.com)
345 points by BerislavLopac 82 days ago | 185 comments
7. A feature-rich front-end drag-and-drop component library (github.com/atlassian)
370 points by NeilSmith2048 3 months ago | 74 comments
8. A framework to help B2B founders find product-market fit (firstround.com)
186 points by yarapavan 3 months ago | 66 comments
9. Distributed Authorization (osohq.com)
150 points by AnhTho_FR 3 months ago | 64 comments
10. Where is Noether's principle in machine learning? (cgad.ski)
296 points by cgadski 4 months ago | 76 comments
11. Almost every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret (cep.dev)
1181 points by slyall 5 months ago | 626 comments
12. CRDTs Turned Inside Out (interjectedfuture.com)
223 points by iamwil 6 months ago | 32 comments
13. Modern C++ Programming Course (github.com/federico-busato)
493 points by asicsp 8 months ago | 194 comments
14. Essential AI (essential.ai)
41 points by amrrs 7 months ago | 26 comments
15. Ask HN: Best UI design courses for hackers?
332 points by atomicnature 7 months ago | 113 comments
16. Large Language Model Course (github.com/mlabonne)
178 points by T-A 7 months ago | 10 comments
17. Show HN: Onsites.fyi - Curated Big Tech Interview Experiences (onsites.fyi)
187 points by nisowa 7 months ago | 117 comments
18. Accidental database programming (sqlsync.dev)
583 points by thunderbong 7 months ago | 300 comments
19. A decade of developing a programming language (yorickpeterse.com)
288 points by YorickPeterse 8 months ago | 139 comments
20. The AI research job market (interconnects.ai)
207 points by sebg 9 months ago | 183 comments
21. MLIR For Beginners: A series of articles on the MLIR framework (github.com/j2kun)
122 points by matt_d 11 months ago | 46 comments
22. GPT-4 Architecture (twitter.com/yampeleg)
25 points by abtinsetyani on July 11, 2023 | 13 comments
23. Stanford A.I. Courses (stanford.edu)
466 points by ecks4ndr0s on July 2, 2023 | 77 comments
24. A Senior Engineer’s Guide to FAANG Interviews (interviewing.io)
172 points by leeny on June 26, 2023 | 183 comments
25. List one task, do it, cross it out (oliverburkeman.com)
449 points by Tomte on June 9, 2023 | 175 comments
26. Stylized Water Shader (alexanderameye.github.io)
213 points by rinesh on March 9, 2023 | 21 comments
27. Fast, Optimal, Any-Angle Pathfinding (Polyanya) (monash.edu)
76 points by krazii on Jan 31, 2023 | 8 comments
28. The Ten Commandments for Detective Fiction (2017) (elizabethspanncraig.com)
92 points by Tomte on July 6, 2022 | 67 comments
29. Programming breakthroughs we need (yoyo-code.com)
419 points by panstromek on Aug 17, 2022 | 492 comments
30. Accounting For Developers, Part I (moderntreasury.com)
648 points by qin on Aug 17, 2022 | 186 comments

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