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created:April 25, 2007
about:- Full-stack/front-end web developer since 1999. - Strong with the command line, SQL and regular expressions. - Debugged Javascript parseInt/radix issue in 2000. - PHP experience on-and-off since 2001, Java since 2002. - Created one-file, 60-line "bare bones mvc" PHP framework in 2007, downloaded several thousand times before being migrated off code.google.com to [github, now as "JackRabbitMvc"](https://github.com/dexygen/jackrabbitmvc) - Created ["DeskML" platform](https://code.google.com/archive/p/deskml/) around 2010/2011, a rough equivalent of Adobe AIR (and now Node-Webkit) using a TCL-based platform and just 100 lines of glue code. - Speaker at technical user meetings - Writer of pre-publication technical reviews - Focused primarily on the front end since 2009 - Discovered way of emulating various frameworks' document/ready functionality by simply using setTimeout/0. - Five years' experience with ExtJS, and more recently some Backbone, Angular 1, and Angular 2 (and, of course, jQuery) - Working with Vue.js as of 2017