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created:January 12, 2017
about:I raised $27.5M for medical search: SENS.org RichardHeart.com | https://HEX.com/techspecs (~100B marketcap on nomics.com) (I'm also forking Ethereum at t.me/PulseChainCom No energy waste, no inflation, full fork with system state and ERC20s)

Things that make some people really angry: I own the world's largest faceted diamond. 555.55 carats. I have $7.5M of watches. I dress like a clown.

Best way to reach me t.me/RichardHeart Biotech, the life you save may be your own. https:/twitter.com/RichardHeartWin https://www.youtube.com/RichardHeart https://www.reddit.com/user/richardheart/comments/ RichardHeartAuthor at the cool domain name gmail

[ my public key: https://keybase.io/richardheart; my proof: https://keybase.io/richardheart/sigs/COeLzZOH7OibL_OWdVzo7iuWMZ1kbj_WSlnhNoI8GBY ]
