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that was pretty good

So if I'm sick and I have to go to the grocery store i get to spread diseases? Love it

Why would you ever go to the grocery store? InstaCart.

same. i wanted to make the most bloated sentence ever too. shame

am also sad :( got 3 "generate" taps without the redirect, but no result ever came up.

idea as functioning llm frontend would be so great though. would there be limits to recursive bloat? How lossy is bloating and de-bloating a short sentence?

i don't really game unless im playing something with friends in a social setting, or its something i've been fiending to play for years. other than that, i can never find the time

Definitely HandBrake, being able to quickly compress a video is so clutch

So its AutoHotKey but friendlier and more functionality? Not bad

They need to add - not on Windows to this list. Still dying to use Arc.

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