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The author of the software has some other interesting projects on his poersonal website: www.durlej.net/v/

I'd be interested to know if anyone is using this OS, and for what use case.

Amazing bit of work!

Some of the affects I can think of, to name a few:

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I wish there were some sort of monitoring tool for the docker container, so you know if you're actually doing any good (it's working), like the browser extension.

Something like nyx (for tor) but for snowflake.

Cool story - thanks for sharing.

I've got a spare laptop and started a TOR relay (no exit) recently - I'll be on the look out for these kind of errors

Interesting language/script.

Are there any other comparable alternatives?

Would Node/TS-Node be a suitable replacement with a few shell helper functions?

A recent one is Zuo, a tiny Racket for scripting/makefiles: https://docs.racket-lang.org/zuo/index.html

I'm partial to zx for that (it has optional typescript support) and pretty reasonable ergonomics

This is basically a package repo of WASM file(s), which seem to have been compiled from Rust source mostly, but other language that can be compiled to WASM would work too.

And from what I've read the CLI downloads the WASM and runs it. The "runs it" part is interesting, as it's cross platform - so does it run a JS engine, e.g like V8 or NodeJS?

I don't personally like the idea, esp since Rust can compile to all those supported platforms anyway, and the native code would be so much faster.

It says on the website that it is opensource, since 2019, but the Github account has zero repos.

The website looks flash, but has many spelling errors and typos, and so if little things like this get through after 3 years of development, then the chances of malicious code getting through is very high.

Wasmer Inc (they run wapm.io) basically wants to own the Wasm ecosystem the way that NPM has owned the JavaScript world. This isn't run by an org like Apache, or CNCF. They are VC backed and and have had some internal shakeups, a story about this was posted to HN awhile ago.

The site doesn't inspire a lot of confidence, even the about page results in a 500 error. https://wapm.io/about

As does support, https://wapm.io/support

The future needs a better solution to this problem than a single company owning the package repo.

> Wasmer..wants to own the Wasm ecosystem

They tried to trademark the terms WASM and WebAssembly.



Isn’t the big difference between running some random rust from the internet, and a WASM file, the sandbox in which WASM runs. This has some security advantages. And as you also point out, it’s like an abstraction over various languages which also can generate WASM (Go, Swift, C#, etc).

I'm a 42-YO Dev and a very late bloomer (start of career and learning).

I'm definitely having an existential crisis, more so because I work at a startup. I'm quite certain I'm the oldest in the place, and I feel I stand out for the wrong reasons now.

I've seen a lot of the same things repeating themselves, I find the work repetitive, and my memory is not what it used to be. The problems I'm solving are not "cool" anymore nor new. I also find I am less flexible - this is difficult when trying to reason with younger ppl in higher positions.

I've built up years of knowledge and made many mistakes that I have learnt from, so naturally I want my next step/role to be closely related to software development as possible. I am not a good leader or manager, so my only option really is to move up into the design/arch or BA work, but both are hard to get into if you don't have experience.

I had kids late, so the last half decade has flown and I've somewhat neglected my career.

It's a weird situation to be in.

Joplin seems like a good SimpleNote alternative. And I'm really after the end-to-end encryption

Joplin supports E2EE.

Looks a little like SimpleNote, and also free. Difference looks like Apple tech only.

It's got end-to-end encryption, which is amazing!

I'm hoping SimpleNote will get end-to-end- encryption soon.

Can you paste images from clipboard into simple note yet?

e2e encryption is not amazing these days, it is a basic requirement. i.e. if you communicate using https you are using e2e encryption.

In a c2s model, TLS is usually not considered end-to-end encryption. End-to-End refers to your server not being able to read the contents of your communications. For something like FSNotes, that would probably look like encrypting your notes with your own public key before sending them to the server.

Definitely seeing a pattern of interest here, or is it just what I'm seeking out now, so I'm aware of it when I see it?

The pattern has been there for years, but interest has been consistently growing, as has the variety and quality of learning resources.

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