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I don't mind json outputs, but pls keep cli options as low letters, eg.: 'kubectl get pods -o json'.


it's one character shorter than

    -o json

Why is that important?

> The file systems of Unix machines all have the same general structure. [...] Note the obsessive use of abbreviations and avoidance of capital letters; this is a system invented by people to whom repetitive stress disorder is what black lung is to miners. Long names get worn down to three-letter nubbins, like stones smoothed by a river.

-- Neal Stephenson, In the Beginning Was the Command Line (Ch. 14), 1999


Mixing case in a case sensitive environment is unnecessarily confusing and annoying.

Xunit offers several methods: https://xunit.net/docs/shared-context

Sounds complicated. What object storage you use? If on aws, 's3 sync' might help.

S3, yes. Litestream doesn't store the backup as a single DB file - rather, as snapshots and WAL segments that are streaming in, so it's unfortunately not so simple.

Thx. Timeline shows attack begun by adding ignore entry in .gitignore file. That is hard to detect nowadays.

So true. Even small children are having same attitude. This is why many of us had to move abroad.

Can't blame the children. They only learn from their parents. If people like you decide to leave, the majority of people with that attitude only grows. In my experience, people don't leave because of political discourse. People leave because of economic situation and lack of opportunities.

Thx. I have extended a bit as a script:

    # !/bin/bash
    ARG1=${1:-'select Date from stdin order by USD asc limit 1;'}
    curl -o - -Ls https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-hist.zip \
  | funzip | sqlite3 -csv ':memory:' '.import /dev/stdin stdin' "${ARG1}"

    # Usage:
    $ ./run.sh 'select * from stdin limit 1;'

Root-module: contains resources, sub-modules, incl. remote module calls.

Stack: deployable with hardcoded tfstate and tfvars configs.

Use 'terraform destroy' during CI phase. That is your pre-prod.

Have you tried emacs org mode?

Interesting approach. Do you mind sharing link with repos?

I don't have any at the moment where a commit to one triggers a build in another, but I have a bunch that run on a schedule, pull code from other repos and do stuff with it.

Best example of that is here: https://github.com/simonw/covid-19-datasette/blob/main/.gith...

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