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This is the exact same problem I encountered back when I was taking the Parallel Computing course, except I was an absolute novice and had no idea about debugging or profiling. I remember it took me several days speculating and searching for an answer to this issue on Google, and I finally found an explanation on Stack Overflow, which also suggested using rand_r. It was one of the first instances where I was introduced to solving and debugging a difficult computer programming problem, and it still sticks with me to this day.

I'm not very experienced, but by skimming the headings I can see that it covers almost all of Rust's core features. I'd say you're between a beginner and an intermediate Rust user if you complete the exercises and can be comfortable dealing with lifetimes.

> Mocks that help you are the ones that are automatically generated representing actually what production has.

I'm a novice when it comes to mocking, can you explain more on this or link some articles to read?

Tailscale remains useful when deploying with GitHub actions. Currently, I have my cloud VM open on an unconventional SSH port so that GHA workers can SSH into it and initiate the deployment. I plan to utilize their action [0] so that any GHA worker can access the deployment machine without exposing any ports.

[0] https://github.com/tailscale/github-action

Totally agree. I'm surprised that a post making a big claim with little research and shallow content like this got to the frontpage with over 800 upvotes. Sad you're being downvoted too.

Thanks. I am baffled by the downvotes. It is not even about the design choice.

Like i just said in another comment: apple & elon musk make people on HN act weird.

You get downvoted because you argue that Apple definitely has a great idea behind the change. Why do you think that? And what are they doing about the fact that checkboxes now look like radio buttons? All you're doing is paying homage to Apple without contributing anything meaningful.

> You get downvoted because you argue that Apple definitely has a great idea behind the change. [...] All you're doing is paying homage to Apple without contributing anything meaningful.

Yeah, no. Not at all. But if you still don't get that my comment has absolutely nothing todo with the design choice itself a t a l l , it's truly pointless.

I still remember when I first discovered Blender. It was around the time Blender 2.8 had just been released with its new UI. At that point, some people still preferred using 2.7 because the new UI was too different for them. The first thing that blew my mind was the size of the download, which was around 50MB. I had expected to have to download much more than that, which is typical for creative, graphical applications. After using it for a while, I recognized how polished and powerful Blender is compared to other opensource projects I had used before such as GIMP. 3D is not my professional work, I use it as a hobby, and I've learned and created many 3D works that were only made possible because Blender is free. The community on YouTube and Stack Exchange is large and friendly as well. I just love Blender so much.

RUSTFLAGS environment variable, it's mentioned in the post too:

> $ RUSTFLAGS="-Z threads=8" cargo build --release

that doen't answer parent's question.

$(nproc) as the value might work. (On Linux)

For my personal site I run Caddy in a Docker container along with other containers using a compose file. By doing it this way, getting things up when moving to a new instance is as simple as running `docker compose up`. Also making changes to the config or upgrading Caddy version on deployments is the same as a other services since they're all containers. So it's easy to add CI/CD and have it re-deploy Caddy whenever the config changes and there's no need for extra GitHub Actions .yaml's. Setup as code like this also documents all the dependencies and I think it might be helpful in the future.

Having said that, for serious business, this setup doesn't make sense. It possibly takes more work to operate as container when the gateway runs on a dedicated instance.

I currently host a personal VPN and my website (which includes a static blog, a Rust API, and a Postgres database), all on a $6/m VPS. Being a first-time customer, the service provider offered a 100% bonus on the credit I deposited making it even half as expensive. It probably won't hold up when the site has decent traffic, but for now it's the best money I've spent.

What do you do with the API?

Currently it has only one API route to simultaneously increments the view count in Postgres and returns an HTML badge containing the count. In the future I want to use it for authentication, particularly for admin routes and other stuff to access my private data.

> Scans from National Geographic magazines dating back to the 1800's. Wonder if I can use these photos for personal or even commercial projects. Is National Geographic enforcing copyright and license to this medium?

Things prior to 1923 (depending on your jurisdiction) should be out of copyright.

So, three photos and a scanned page out of the whole collection?


However, it is entirely possible there are more sources than a single Tumblr for old National Geographic magazines.

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