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Documentation in general got the knife in the back. This has nothing to do with UML I believe. The cost for refactoring pure software is very low so any mistake can quickly be corrected. I would still insist UML be taught at universities just to open the mind of the students to possibilities.

For other industries which include hardware and software which has a relationship between mistakes and high costs, then it is obvious that any documentation technique should be used to lower the cost.

Looks good. Keep at it!

Thanks. Looks good!

Worth it, especially because of the reasons the prices of electricity went up.

Worth how? Sanctions achieved nothing on the military front. Is it more of a scaremongering thing? 'If we didn't do it, things would have been much worse'?

German here. The causes of Germany's sky high electricity prices are not the Ukraine war.

A large part of the current spot price hike is the French bet on going all-in on nuclear: first, half the reactors is offline because they are simply broken down - they bet on Flamanville to replace parts of the extremely aged fleet which infamously failed. Then, the drought led to rivers drying up which means the reactors that are operational simply cannot get cooled, which led to a further reduction in capacity right when AC demands a lot of power, which in turn led to the French buying a shitload of capacity from Germany, and our spare capacity is mostly gas peaker plants since we phased out many coal stinkers over the last year.

The second part is regulatory... the fees that have to be paid for by everyone other than heavy industry for modernizing the grid and build out renewables are a large part, as well as the taxes that add on top of that.

And the last part is that states like Bavaria did their very best to impede the build-out of renewable energies (especially wind farms) and, worse, transit lines that could ship cheap North Sea wind energy to Bavaria - that led to an oversupply in the North where wind and solar have had to tune out because the energy could not be transferred to where it's needed.

If that is the case then the whole point is mute. However, what about Finland which was also specified?

I am not talking about strategy but my own feeling that I don't mind to pay the increase. My wife family was wiped out in the holocaust. I don't think that sitting and doing nothing is a better option. And I do really not wanting to start an argument about it. As I said, it is a feeling and I am not a general and I have no knowledge of what is best.

I am discussing the idea in general. That's perfectly fine if you personally don't agree. Although I do not agree that there are only two options: 1) Do this, 2) Do nothing. It is always possible to.. 3) Do something else.

"We have to do something. This is something. Therefore, we have to do this."

Never mind that it doesn't have any positive effect, and a lot of negative effects.

wow thanks!

Really don't get it and would like to understand. Let's say I don't need a full DB. Why use it instead of, let's say, sqlite? I know devops uses git itself for storing and pulling out stuff for their automations. Is it in that direction?

Putting a sqlite db in a git repo doesn't work well, it's just an opaque blob to git so you can't merge changes beyond "wipe out every other change and accept this as the new complete state of the world".

Disconnected remote work.

Git pull to receive updates, Git push to send your updates. No idea how/if it handles merge conflicts.

Also - you could have db “branches”.

It is about perception. There are unicorns that started as solo. But, eventually they grew out of it. Weird though, there are so many shops out there run by solo people. They cook our food, they make critical stuff for us, but we don't scruitanize it. We let them into our homes :)

So, this is just optics. Land and expand, for example, is a way to force their arm. If you are already there then they can cry about it or buy the enterprise plan :)

It's a product thing. For visual pagination, people are used to skip pages. So you have to use offsets. You can limit the the number of pages you can request and the size. For machine api's, you can design the most efficient solution. Which is probably some streaming solution. But these are difficult for clients. So usually you compromise. Most of the time I use pages because I don't want developers to churn of this is too hard for them to use keys or cursors. You can also use a schema based tenant system where applicable which makes the problems easier with smaller indexes and tables to sort.

Sometimes the data is so big, and performance is critical that you don't have any other option than not to use offset.

I thought of another trick. Haven"t tried it, should work though. Where applicable put tenants on multi schema. If the tables are now very small in comparison then a write lock is not that important. Simply migrate. Do a blue green deployment between code versions. Done.

One downside is the downgrade part. If you still want it you have to do it as in the article.

how do i install on macbook to try? Can you give some instructions in the getting started?

    brew install rust
    cargo install difftastic
Worked for me without any problems.

From https://difftastic.wilfred.me.uk/getting_started.html, it's installed via Cargo, so if you already have Cargo installed its straightforward, otherwise you can install it via https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation...

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