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Acrobat Reader is not an Electron app.

It is using Chromium Embedded Framework, so it's not using native UI. But it also isn't Electron.

I don't see any Node.js anywhere in Acrobat Reader.

All unixes are descendants of original Unix from PDP-7 days. Why does it matter?

...ok the /bin /usr/bin nonsense still stays after decades, maybe you have a point

Windows, macOS and Linux all have legacies of the late 80s and early 90s.

I tried Ladybird browser for fun, and it looks more stable than when I ran it for the last time, which is great!

It doesn't properly load the given substack (it seems to stop loading it in the middle), but it looks fine. :)

Surprisingly, loading Google Maps even work, but I can't seem to do more than move the map around. Github even works!

So far it seems better than Servo in throwing random sites at it, but I last tried Servo years ago so it's not fair. I guess I will try Servo now for the heck of it

edit: yeah Servo still seems worse, but it loads the whole substack post :)

> Github even works!

Unsurprisingly github is one of the developer's most frequently used sites when dogfooding the browser so it'll probably always work :)


switzerland is NOT in EU

Well, I goofed. Nonetheless, Threema is claiming GDPR-complaince:

Excerpt from their main web page:

Threema is 100% Swiss Made, hosts its own servers in Switzerland*, and, unlike US services (which are subject to the CLOUD Act, for example), it is fully GDPR-compliant.

GDPR is about not storing information about people without their consent and has nothing to do with the encryption legislation.

Looks like he goofed twice...

Looks like I did.

(Need more coffee)

Make no mistake I would never use Threema, and "made in switzerland" is usually just putting lipstick on a pig; the one time someone seriously looked into Threema it was full of weird decisions, if I remember correctly

Still GDPR is unrelated to what we are talking about

Yes, everyone wanting to serve clients in the eu (even if they are on vacation in non eu) must comply with the gdpr; this article however is not related to the gdpr though.

Go returns bool for map access, not errors...

I think Russian security services work fully legally under Russian legal framework.

I think we can differentiate between the rules, level of judicial independence, and different systems too.

It's not all or nothing as far as the words "legal framework" goes.

No they don’t. They are a signatory of ECHR convention (which makes is part of national law).

I'm not that deep into Google latest rebrand activity... how is Google Meet related to LLM model? or do they call many unrelated things Gemini?

google meet is part of their office suite, called google workspace. the higher tiers of google workspace include access to the paid tier of gemeni.

also, in a previous iteration of google's AI branding, meet had a feature that would create llm-generated meeting notes for you. i'm unsure if this still exists


It's not related to Gemini. I suspect they're putting non-LLM stuff behind the Gemini paywall to make Gemini look more profitable than it is. Like most LLM rollouts, it could maybe become cashflow-positive, but it will likely never be profitable because of the many billions it takes to compete with OpenAI and Meta.

Bundling could also be a strategy to get people to try LLM products. You want X, you have to buy a package with both X and Y to get X. Many people will think, "I'm paying for Y, might as well try getting something out of it."

> It's not related to Gemini. I suspect they're putting non-LLM stuff behind the Gemini paywall to make Gemini look more profitable than it is.

I have yet to decide whether this is more ridiculous or sad.

ICQ was bought by... uhh Russians? Israelis? Something like that... and was changed several times what it actually is; when I tried it recently, it was just a WhatsApp clone; they even removed all the old ICQ number accounts.

I'm actually kinda bummed to hear that. I logged in sometime in the past few years and was pleasantly surprised to see my number from the 90s still worked. Moot point now if the whole thing is being shut down anyways, I guess.

Russians, given the VK app plug in the announcement.

Yes, ICQ was bought by Russians in 2010, and it was already dying at that time.

I hope it can figure out story points for me, as I never understand what they mean and what value to put there.

I think AI will be better at story point estimation than me.

so enterprise very wow

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