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I'm not that deep into Google latest rebrand activity... how is Google Meet related to LLM model? or do they call many unrelated things Gemini?

google meet is part of their office suite, called google workspace. the higher tiers of google workspace include access to the paid tier of gemeni.

also, in a previous iteration of google's AI branding, meet had a feature that would create llm-generated meeting notes for you. i'm unsure if this still exists


It's not related to Gemini. I suspect they're putting non-LLM stuff behind the Gemini paywall to make Gemini look more profitable than it is. Like most LLM rollouts, it could maybe become cashflow-positive, but it will likely never be profitable because of the many billions it takes to compete with OpenAI and Meta.

Bundling could also be a strategy to get people to try LLM products. You want X, you have to buy a package with both X and Y to get X. Many people will think, "I'm paying for Y, might as well try getting something out of it."

> It's not related to Gemini. I suspect they're putting non-LLM stuff behind the Gemini paywall to make Gemini look more profitable than it is.

I have yet to decide whether this is more ridiculous or sad.

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