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Also a bit scary to have a system without a scaling mechnism built-in in the path of customer traffic. At some point you may be racing to upgrade it.

Python is really bad at recursion (part of why it's not appropriate for functional programming), so perhaps an unfair benchmark?

A Pythonic implementation would use loops and mutation.

I think what Meta is doing is really smart.

We don't really know where AI will be useful in a business sense yet (the apps with users are losing money) but a good bet is that incumbent platforms stand to benefit the most once these uses are discovered. What Meta is doing is making it easier for other orgs to find those use-cases (and take on the risk) whilst keeping the ability to jump in and capitalize on it when it materializes.

As for X-Risk? I don't think any of the big tech leadsership actually beleive in that. I also think that deep down a lot of the AI safety crowd love solving hard problems and collecting stock options.

On cost, the AI hype raises Met's valuation by more than the cost of engineers and server farms.

> I don't think any of the big tech leadsership actually beleive in that.

I think Altman actually believes that, but I'm not sure about any of the others.

Musk seems to flitter between extremes, "summoning the demon" isn't really compatible with suing OpenAI for failing to publish Lemegeton Clavicula Samaltmanis*.

> I also think that deep down a lot of the AI safety crowd love solving hard problems and stock options.

Probably at least one of these for any given person.

But that's why capitalism was ever a thing: money does motivate people.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lesser_Key_of_Solomon

Could easily be leverage in the negotiation.

Google support Kubernetes, so there's precedent there.

I could see Microsoft keeping things open too. So far they have done OK with GitHub and NPM.

google more or less created k8s, they're no going to buy a competitor to it

Terraform is not really a competitor. Maybe Nomad is? I expect most K8s shops use a bit of Terraform, maybe Vault, etc.

I mean there’s always buying a competitor to kill it off…

Google also pushes Terraform as its core IaC so that would be a great fit actually!

There should be a way to exclude seasons (e.g. Simpsons)

Like most public policy issues, a balance needs to be struck. Typical SUV trips could easily be done in a lighter vehicle or even no vehicle at all.

Article implies that free public transport lead to increases in car traffic. But we have to wonder, would it have been even worse without free public transport?

Excel single-handedly keeps VB alive; it has a huge amount of sway over what langauges people use and learn - so why settle for Python?

Sonic Youth apologized that their release wasn't as good as Atomizer.

That was for their Master-Dik EP. Big Black made the same apology for their Headache EP. Both records had the same sticker: "Not as good as Atomizer, so don't get your hopes up, cheese!".

True in both cases, I haven't listened to either of those in decades, while Atomizer remains essential listening.

Big Black - Atomizer (Full Album)


Sonic Youth were art school asslickers. Their "apology" was performative tribute to buy cred.

Albini doesn't agree with you, or didn't at the time they were making the records anybody cares about. They were tight in the '80s.

sec later

(But, from your other comment on this thread, that might not make a difference to you! I'll note that this an artistic judgement though, not a moral one, and you seem to value his artistic output.)

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