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At least on Android some games are flawed. Never played them on another system. For example Flood can be solved in less turns than the 'calculated' minimum.

That’s not a calculated minimum. It’s a generous maximum; less-than-optimal play can still win.

wouln't that suggest some sort of additionaly applied poll rate?

Or a desync between the game and the display.

In Super Smash Bros Melee the game runs at 60 Hz but the display runs at 59.94 Hz... one frame in 1001 is simply not displayed.

Even if it’s perfectly synchronised, there’s likely no guarantee of deterministic playback. Perhaps a background process is dealing with some network activity or other OS task and throws the timing off fractionally. Or maybe a disk access (even for something in the background like streaming music) takes fractionally different amounts of time per run and affects the precise time at which the input is polled.

Ah, that’s another interesting possibility. I definitely observed that the actual HDMI refresh rate is 59.94 Hz while playing Super Mario Maker, but no idea what the game’s internal frame rate is.

Wonder if it's feasable and how much work it would be to record a run of eg Super Mario Land and play the processor instructions back on this thing hanging on the wall. Would be a nice conversation piece.

Plus a small LCD in the frame that displays the level and a progress bar for that level.

Dot matrix display. Progress bar is underneath the Level indicator. Plus presence sensor. Not PIR. And RTC in/on whatever plays the instructions to always seemlessly pick up on the loop.

Off topic: This site is next to unreadable on my phone.

Zigzagscrolling is an insult to the audience.

The line length is hilarious.

Press the little book icon (or F9 in Firefox desktop), it fixes this just as it fixes so many other unreadable web sites.

Luckily our clients aren't completely strangled yet so this still works. How meta considering the subject.

It looks fine to me. (Firefox / Android)

It's perfectly readable on my phone and with various device dimensions set in my desktop browser.

If Safari supported extensions then you'd have the ability to resolve this by installing something like Readability.

If iOS supported other browsers then you could read it in a Chromium based browser, where it appears completely readable.

> If Safari supported extensions

iOS Safari does support extensions. I've got a handful installed on my phone right now, including Userscripts to apply custom formatting and styling to this website.

Safari does support extensions. And it has built-in Reader mode. And it needs none of that for this case since the website loads perfectly fine with no zigzagging required.

What Apple is doing sucks, for sure, but let’s not lose sight of reality and make stuff up or misinform people.

Show me how to get ublock origin on safari in iOS.

You can’t, and this is basically the top extension anyone wants, and so your blanket statement is also misinforming

I didn’t say it supports all extensions from all browsers. Thanks to manifest v3 uBlock Origin will also not be viable on what is by far the most popular browser. Will you also say Google Chrome doesn’t support extensions then?

It’s not like Safari can’t do ad blocking. It can, and solutions like 1Blocker are quite capable. It can even block at the system level, which is more than uBlock Origin in the browser does.

Either way, none of this is relevant to your first comment. Extensions aren’t even necessary for the original complaint. Please don’t move the goalposts.

Saying iOS safari can do extensions is like saying North Korea is a democracy, and me pointing out that it really isn’t is not moving the goal posts

And yes I agree with your example, I would no longer say chrome does extensions as a blanket statement. I’d say it has restricted extension functionality.

What a weak argument. So because uBlock Origin refuses to make an extension for iOS, extensions don’t exist?

I use Wipr, and it’s been better than the beloved uBlock has ever been.

It's not that they refuse, it's not possible to make an effective ad blocker

That’s simply not true.

Don’t take my word as an iOS dev for it, the fact that a bunch of effective ad blockers exist, one of which I use and just told you about, directly refutes your claim.

But why should you need extensions to go around some site disrespecting you?

Me too. Using Safari on iPhone now. Is it intended?

Problems on ultrawide desktop too (severe horizontal scrolling).

To partially fix, open dev tools and change the body tag's display:grid to display:block. I'm not sure how you can stuff up a single column HTML article, but they've managed to.

It looks completely fine on my phone, what browser are you using? Did you perhaps leave Desktop Mode on?

Since Alex is here in the comments, I'm sure he'd reply if he had fixed something between each of us reading it.

Also visualizes en-passant in a better way.

What blew my mind is that ~667/100000 or ~.67% of Americans are incarcerated according to the numbers in this post and the population according to the German Wiki page for the US. Wikipedia says it's .531% on the English language website, .629% on the German site. (Don't know which year for either or if juvenile detention is counted on German site.) That is A LOT! A LOT!

The last time this topic came up on HN (not that long ago, a matter of weeks), I dove into the rabbit hole a bit. Turns out that the lion's share of the difference in incarceration rates between the US and other countries comes down to sentencing. Crime-for-crime, the US doles out a lot more time than e.g. Western European nations.

A lot of people think it's drug crimes. Not really. Just the same old crimes as everywhere else, punished with 2-3x the amount of time.

This is basically what US voters have asked for up until recently. Being tough on crime is a feature for a politician. Three-strikes laws, etc.

It's largely a function of the much higher rate of violent crime in the United States

NOYB are heroes!

unrelated rant: this is so stupid in itself. people that (sometines) make money of unpaid work are sueing people that (sometimes) make money of unpaid work. and it's all about the (sometimes) and the unpaid work. it's dramedy. in a lawsuit.

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