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You could probably post it on http://fpgajobs.com/

ARM also recently entered a partnership with Untether to collaborate on low power AI inference for automotive

Any idea about the Untether accelerator pricing ?

e.g. tsn200 40W 500TOPS tsn800 300W 2000TOPS

Similar products [1,2] are approx $1-$2/TOPS (this is theoretical 8bit int ops, so multiply by x2-x4)

[1] https://www.axelera.ai/ [2] https://hailo.ai/#discriminative-ai

Hi, Could you please elaborate on your original problem?

The binaries your Bazel system built could not be run unless the runtime environment matched the build environment?

I'm curious too. I'm guessing it's something to do with sonames & rpaths which often need fixing up during installation (CMake does this for example). I haven't ever used Bazel for distributing Linux binaries so maybe it just doesn't have that built in.

(I would go with statically linked binaries anyway tbh.)

It's a perfect time for Matt Colville's MCDM RPG to be announced. It's on backerkit and people are clearly eager for something different. The crowdfunding is at 4x funding and climbing

Definitely buybait and a shame that a blatant advertisement has made to YC news front page. What's next? Novelty toothpaste for nerds?

For what it's worth, I had absolutely nothing to do with the post: I didn't make it or encourage anyone to make it. I just noticed a sharp uptick in sales earlier today. Which I love since I spent a lot of time and money designing the poster and getting it printed. Here's the real buy bait: Please buy my book and poster! You can find the book "Tools" on Amazon, and the poster at theodoregray.com

Also for what it's worth, it's a very cool art project! And I'm always happy to have more computer nerds get an introduction to the tools required to make stuff in the physical world.

> Novelty toothpaste for nerds?

One that changes color the longer you brush so that you know you've brushed sufficiently (and not just blood-red to indicate your gums are now bleeding).

One that changes color based on where the calculus on your teeth accumulated, so you can target you brushing.

One that does the brushing for you, just keep it in your mouth for 3 minutes and rinse.

Oh lord...

> One that changes color based on where the calculus on your teeth accumulated, so you can target you brushing.

This exists, although for some reason I'm not aware that it's available as part of a toothpaste. (Maybe the toothpaste foam would create false positive indications by making it seem to accumulate in places that don't actually have plaque.)


Blast! I was hoping readers would be too young to remember and I would get the credit. \O_O/ ... I used to get these from the dentist as kid in the 70's.

Sounds like highly functional personality disorder or manic depression

Looks like amphetamine abuse to me.

The delusions, gambling addiction, reckless impulsive behavior.

Second story we see where amphetamine abuse played a part (SBF being another one)

If there _was_ a good reason to fire Sam, and the board had appropriately and clearly communicated their decision, I think less of the staff would have signed a the petition to walk. From the public's perspective, and probably most rank and file employees, this decision came from left field and had no logic behind it. The waffling and back peddling that followed certainly didn't help perception

Maybe one day, Mojo

nod.ai was just acquired by AMD for a chunk of money. I expect they hope to find a similar exit once they can show an end-to-end product: Take a model written in Pytorch, upcast it to mojo, and put it through their unified compiler stack to accelerate on <hardware>

I think LiFi or something similar has the great potential for VR/AR headset connectivity. With a high bandwidth, low latency link, you could have an untethered experience without the weight and heat of compute and processing in the headset.

And it's the perfect application because usuallh the problem with lifi is that your return channel is comparatively trash but VR headsets don't put out as much data as they receive (though camera stuff might be an interesting challenge

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