I live in northern Italy, half a day trip include most of the peninsula and southern France.
Sure job opportunityes are few, especially of the interesting kind, and pay is awful, but overall it's very hard to beat.
I don't really get the point of people pretending it's for the entartainment, especially if whatever you do starts with a three hours drove to get out of the urban area.
That doesn't really sound a high quality lifestyle, but to each their own.
Even ignoring traffic, you are counting the same park multiple times. Kings Canyon, Sequoia, Yosemite, Lassen Volcanic, Pinnacles is not bad but it's not 8.
Accurate. On one hand, we didn't want to fuel the fire, but on the other, that inflammatory article forced the attacker to reveal their hand. So it was actually to our benefit, strangely enough.
I think two key parts of what you said are "most people" and "normal people". This normativity is taken for granted here. Preference for terse messages is ultimately a matter of taste and I've yet to see evidence that one belongs to a clear majority.
It may not be a clear majority of people, but it's pretty obviously a majority of people who set expectations in public discourse. That's why it's normative.
I like to think of dog training as programming an emotional computer. There are lots of similarities (breaking up problems into smal steps for one) and the payoff feels just as great.