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How to compile these codes under clang15?

convert to csv, Next is simple text processing.Final ,convert csv to excel

arthur whitney "I never comment anything because I'm always trying to make it so the code itself is the comment." less code less bug.

remind me of djb's envdir

It's great.

Thanks. Simple and dirty, but works everytime.

Even more, I put a vim shortcut so I can run it without leaving the terminal.

glad they mentioned cdb.

c , Common Lisp , apl All of these have a solid history of backward compatibility.

It's perfect. I've been using bbedit's scratchpad for this. This is a perfect alternative.

What we need is a version system, followed by git. In my personal opinion, if you only learn one, it is git. If you want to learn two, they are git and fossil. Fossi is more suitable for individual private projects than git. He cuts down some collaboration problems, and this is a very high-quality software. As for the comparison with git, I prefer that they are a software that optimizes different scenarios.

As for struggling with why there is such a judgment, you can try it yourself for up to one hour. I was shocked by the diff quality of fossil. All linguistic debates cannot replace the experience of the century.

> I was shocked by the diff quality of fossil.

Could you elaborate, since you used the word “shocked”? Was it terrible or just bad? Doesn’t Fossil have any hooks to use another diff tool?

I think it was meant in a good way!

> Doesn’t Fossil have any hooks to use another diff tool?

$ fossil set diff-command “diff -bu”

Personally, I learned hg and then git, and I would 100% do that again if I were doing it over; my experience was that hg was much easier to learn, but that once I'd learned it git was pretty easy to pick up.

Fossil is better for small project

Adding link [1] for reference.

[1] - https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/index.wiki


Single binary. Cross platform. Runs with it's own server with web interface. Has issue tracking, wiki, chat.

Happy user of fossil since over 10 years now, both in individual projects and teams' projects.

For me, unlike git, fossil just gets out of the way and let's me focus on delivering. Doesn't have a whole bunch of arcane commands.


That's not a Git web interface, that's a completely different source control system altogether!

And from a quick bit of web searching, it looks like most IDE's out there either lack a plugin for fossil, or else have a plugin that's outdated and doesn't keep up with the current version of the IDE.

I realize that all of these "I Like X!" silly HN threads invite a lot of "I Like Y!" silly replies, but there sure are a lot of caveats on "better" here. You could make a much stronger case for recommending Subversion or CVS, lol.

yes, thank you.But light and self Hosted version control,I have to recommand fossil.Git is not gods,we can blame it and recommand other more better software for special case.

How is it better?

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