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Honestly very impressive. Far better than anything I did at 9 years old.

This reminds me of that Webcam video controversy a few years back

Not surprised to see the actual product seems to be an uncredited fork of an OSS project.

We do give credits for those OSS projects that we get inspired from. We are just not ready yet to open source our code.

Sorry for the confusion. Will ask to delete it.

Unfortunately, he cannot delete it.

Seems very suspicious. 3 fake accounts made at the same time pretending to be random people. Not sure about the actual product, but given this, I wouldn't trust it.

Thanks for pointing it out. One is our beta tester. We asked him to give feedback here as our only tester. If that makes confusing or misleading, we will let him delete the comment. Don't really want to be thought about like this.

You mean the magic wizard isn't real and GPT lied to me!?!?

Yet another reason to stop using Google services.

More like another reason to stop doing business in the EU.

Why not both?

Crazy how most fonts don't support any of this... (update: oops, I'm wrong!)

Almost all fonts commonly used today support most if not all of this (except for variable axes, because that's still a relatively new development)

Variable Axes have been around since Adobe Multiple Masters in the mid to early 90s:


But the "fvar" table [1], as part of the OpenType specification, has not.

[1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/f...

Because not all typefaces are OpenType, and not all OpenType typefaces have features set.

Looks insane! Since you mentioned Figma, a Figma project import feature would be very useful for a project like this.

box64 is getting too advanced lol

I almost did the exact same

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