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That explanation sounds real, but it isn’t. Really weird, why make something like this up?

I did not make it up; I read it at https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2022/03/22/trash-city-new-york-i... (see "Hooked on plastic" section in the article).

If you believe that this account is wrong, I am interested in hearing the true story, and seeing some sources if you have them.

Except not really, I wouldn’t be surprised if CTE is actually higher in non-athletes, nobody is checking the mass majority of these people. The insurance companies always make accident related CTE into another illness so it’s impossible to say, but look outside the US. A LOT more realistic stats.

There’s also active downvote bots that search for phrases like GOP and flag them immediately… watch.

You are doing that right now though because you want attention, don’t you see how ironic your comment is? You’re the noise.

Really I feel like HN is the worst for discussion. Look at all these long empty comments. There’s nothing of substance here.

I think Lucas knows he’s screwed, he will be lambasted no matter what he does. Look at Game of Thrones, even the best written nerd series get torn apart by the nerd police. He understands that his business was always in nostalgia, it’s just his nostalgia for 50s serials, not actual Star Wars.

GoT was the best written nerd series until it ran out of best written novel to crib from, at which point it rapidly degenerated. The opinions both that most of it was good, and that the end was bad, are universal, including from people that never read the books - framing this as 'the nerd police' basing a decision on nostalgia is pretty dishonest. The show's scriptwriters just weren't good at plot and depended on it already having been written.

Frankly, the last two released books in the series also experienced a notable drop off in quality, after (supposedly, as I understand it) GRRM stopped enlisting the services of his editor.

The story is still great and I did still enjoy the books. But it’s surprising how much a change in editorial oversight had for both the Star Wars franchise and the ASOIAF series of books.

The game wasn’t perfect, but it was extremely stable. I remember people spamming proximity mines, but even that became fun because it was so easy to get back in and play.

My connection was poor at the time and perhaps I never really got the big double swing timing down so I often used explosives against saberists. Can't deflect a thermal detonator, and if you pull it I'll just grab another out of the bag.

I remember finding it funny that the 4 star force speed and jump would injure you from running into walls or bonking your head.

Developer hiding their lack of knowledge on projects and it being difficult to prove without letting the project fail.

OpenAI is a better SQL query writer than any developer I’ve worked with, and it’s not close.

Kinda scary but maybe true. It reminds me of the place I worked at for a while that had built database-backed web sites for 10 years but I was the first person they hired who understood joins.

Ok we had our one hour of HN reality, now the post making national news off the page and the we are back in fansty land.

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