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Thanks! You should be able to login most forums that don't require JS. Keep an eye on the cookies configuration[1] which are disabled by default.

[1]: https://dillo-browser.github.io/user_help.html#cookies

Please don't link to dillo dot org, see: https://dillo-browser.github.io/dillo.org.html


You may like this plugin[1] to read local man pages as properly formated HTML pages.

[1]: https://github.com/dillo-browser/dillo-plugin-man

More plugins: https://dillo-browser.github.io/index.html#plugins

The gopher one it's broken upon using a URL with no selector: gopher://sdf.org for instance. it defaults to a 0 one so it doesn't show up right, you need to state gopher://sdf.org/1/ by hand. Otherwise, it works great.

On the man plugin, for the users with mandoc/mdoc, I found a bug, '-T html' should be '-Thtml' without spaces. Then works fine.

nice :) thanks for the pointer

TLDR: Dillo is a fast and small graphical web browser. It kind of died in 2017 and this is the first release after 9 years from the last one.

You can read the main website for more details[1].

[1]: https://dillo-browser.github.io/

And the release page[2], which explains a bit of the history of the project and the current state.

[2]: https://dillo-browser.github.io/latest.html

Because I considered it a good starting point as I can place a redirect notice there if we move to another place, without worrying we will lose the DNS again. If you want to help, feel free to do so :-)


This cost me $17.32 for two years—so this time next year, even if there's not $11 or whatever available, there'll be a whole other year to come up with it.

NearlyFreeSpeech.NET (which this isn't using right now; it's just on a free static host) allows anyone to deposit funds into an account for sites hosted there, not just the person behind the site, which means it can in theory stay up indefinitely, even if the person in charge is incapacitated and/or stops putting their own money into it (so long as they don't actively take an interest against its continued operation).

What prevents you from doing some tests? We have seen Dillo running in a lot of old and not very common machines (Atari), so you may have some work already done.

nothing! I look forward to testing it out, just haven't had the time yet

> TIL of Spartan Protocol

You can browse spartan pages with a Dillo plugin[1], as well as Gopher, Gemini and others.

[1]: https://dillo-browser.github.io/#plugins

> how is it handling modern security features like new versions of TLS or SSL

We support OpenSSL 1.1 and 3 (and any other API-compatible), LibreSSL and mbedTLS 2 and 3. You can choose the one you like/trust more at link time.

Forgot to mention that we are also on Fedi: https://fosstodon.org/@dillo

Here are some cherry picks:

- Dillo on the Kindle: https://fosstodon.org/@dillo/112181258739093008

- Dillo on an old Samsung phone: https://fosstodon.org/@dillo/112327798958777998

Stupid (and unthankful) question perhaps, but have you considered working on https://ladybird.dev instead? Kling and the small team seem to be making great progress.

AFAIK, Ladybird goal is to build an independent web browser from scratch that can render the "modern" web.

Dillo original goal[1] is to provide access to the web to places with very bad internet speed or latency as well as old or resource constrained computers.

[1]: https://dillo-browser.github.io/old/interview.html

I don't think we will ever implement JS support, as that would increase a lot the minimum requirements to run Dillo and make the attack surface on the browser much bigger.

Rather than joining Ladybird, it would be great to see a merge of Netsurf and Dillo as a very lightweight alternative to Blink/Webkit/Gecko/Goanna-based browsers.

For low bandwidth or slow computers, also try Carbonyl Terminal (https://github.com/niutech/carbonyl-terminal).

If you like Carbonyl, but want something simpler, you may also find my TUI browser Chawan[0] interesting. It supports CSS and JS (kind of...), but unlike Carbonyl, it has its own browser engine written from scratch. It also bears similarities to Dillo, in that it's easy to add custom protocols.

[0]: https://sr.ht/~bptato/chawan/

Very nice! Are there any binary packages to test it on Linux/WSL? Have you considered support for UTF-8 half-blocks or Sixel for graphics?

> Are there any binary packages to test it on Linux/WSL?

Some kind strangers have created unstable packages on the AUR[0] and NixOS[1]. The former is quite recent, the latter is somewhat older.

> Have you considered support for UTF-8 half-blocks or Sixel for graphics?

In fact, there is experimental support for the sixel & kitty protocols, but for now it's slow, ugly, and only works with PNG.

You can play around with it by putting the following in ~/.config/chawan/config.toml:

    host = 'm\.xkcd\.com' # regex for URL matching; .* also works
    images = true # try `cha m.xkcd.com'
but you will see that it's undocumented for a reason...

[0]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/chawan-git

[1]: https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=unstable&show=chaw...

I think not, Dillo it's much faster than Netsurf, and it's often more stable.

If you combine performance & stability of Dillo with better HTML5 support of Netsurf, you could get a great lightweight alternative to mainstream browsers.

Often by using Dillo's minimal CSS web sites get far less broken than with Netsurf.

With Dillo I'd just had as a 'new' feature, audio and video links opened with xdg-open (or any other plumber) and better Unicode support, which might be reduced due to FLTK, but FLTK itself calls XFT, so I doudt it, as I happened to perfectly open Motif based stuff compiled against XFT with the full coverage of the Unifont font set.

Dillo Plus supports external media playback (https://github.com/crossbowerbt/dillo-plus/#external-media-p...), maybe it could be backported to Dillo?

OK, thanks for clarifying the goal.

It is orphan in Arch, but I will check tomorrow if I can apply for maintainer. In the meanwhile I have the AUR package[1] dillo-git:

[1]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dillo-git

It is on the Arch Linux repository now :-)

  # pacman -Syu dillo

This was already asked the last time[1], but I think it would miss the point of Dillo.

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38853053

In some ways it would miss the main use of dillo, but at the same time if you were going to embed a browser like that surely dillo is a great option precisely because of how light it is.

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