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Very nice! Are there any binary packages to test it on Linux/WSL? Have you considered support for UTF-8 half-blocks or Sixel for graphics?

> Are there any binary packages to test it on Linux/WSL?

Some kind strangers have created unstable packages on the AUR[0] and NixOS[1]. The former is quite recent, the latter is somewhat older.

> Have you considered support for UTF-8 half-blocks or Sixel for graphics?

In fact, there is experimental support for the sixel & kitty protocols, but for now it's slow, ugly, and only works with PNG.

You can play around with it by putting the following in ~/.config/chawan/config.toml:

    host = 'm\.xkcd\.com' # regex for URL matching; .* also works
    images = true # try `cha m.xkcd.com'
but you will see that it's undocumented for a reason...

[0]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/chawan-git

[1]: https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=unstable&show=chaw...

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