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How about Wagner?

Lenin adored Beethoven's Appassionnata sonata calling it "astonishing, superhuman". I like it too and in no way like Lenin;).

Wagner died in 1883. How about him?

Wagner was associated with USA, because of Apocalypse Now ;)

From my point of view, if you discard artist because of country he was born in, it's only your loss.

Alas, one can argue that the current events are the result of the culture that spans centuries :(

I would be curious to see how one could seriously argue this. People making this kind of claims tend to grasp at straws to make connections and make implications much more deterministic than they actually are.

OK, I'll try - not as a rigorous argument, but not as a strawman, either.

Events shape cultures. You can find cultural remnants of past events that impacted a group decades later (especially traumatic events).

And, cultures shape events, because cultures shape the people that cause (at least some of) the events. And cultures shape peoples' response to the events.

So when you see a pattern that looks fairly similar across centuries, then you have at least some ground for suspecting that there is a stable system there - that events keep happening that shape the culture in a consistent way, and the culture keeps shaping events in ways that will give rise to the same kinds of events happening.

I wouldn't go as far as "deterministic". I don't think that much involving humans is ever truly deterministic. But there does seem to be a pattern of history, if not repeating itself, at least rhyming.

I have a harsher take, 95% where react is used it is used without the need.

The minimum technology required to solve a problem isn't always the same technology that a team has experience with, has existing projects/code in, can readily hire for, etc. Nor is it necessarily the same technology capable of solving future problems. Besides, some people just like the mental model of some tools and enjoy working in that way. The idea that we have to pick the minimum tooling every single time usually seems like flawed thinking based on that out-of-context Tim Berners-Lee quote.

Prior to React, most developers just invented a strategy for structuring code on the client side. What’s your preferred alternative?

React isn't a way of structuring code though. It's a whole (huge) framework dedicating to making web apps/pages. And most of the time it seems to be used to replicate functionality that the browser can already natively do (for example, navigating to another page).

You want a good example of how a non-react website and its code might be structured, look at GitHub. At least from a user perspective, I've never had a problem using the back button or ctrl-clicking links while navigating GitHub - which is not something I can say of most other React and heavy-js websites.

>replicate functionality that the browser can already natively do

That's.. basically every lib. Welcome to abstractions.

Are you talking about macOS Sequoia? There will be not "deep integration" of ChagtGPT, in fact you get prompted when system wants to "outsource" a request to ChatGPT and you can refuse it.

Did you watch the freaking keynote??!! It’s everywhere and it goes off device in more cases than just ChatGPT. An opt in human in the flow UX is exactly how iTerm worked anyway, you have to check a box and actively send context to OpenAI and it’s driven off user action not some silent BG process. And it uses your token instead Apple’s enterprise account so better privacy (not that Apple hasn’t done good privacy things).

And every single one of those features can be hard, locked-down disabled with a simple configuration profile. They can all be unequivocally disabled. iTerms preferences could also be managed this way, since it hooks into cfprefsd and I could make an MCX profile to set “OpenAIIntegrationEnabled” to FALSE for the prefs domain “com.whateverIterms.bundleIDis”. Unequivocal. It’s off.

You might say that I am not a bright man, and I might agree, but the way the AI integration presented in 3.5.0 was not unequivocal. Literally nothing said “this feature is disabled unless you put an API key in”. It assumed a knowledge and understanding of how this shit works, one that I do t have because I have no interest in slop portals in any of my applications, let alone one in my terminal. Instead of a checkbox for “Enable/Disable”, one I could have left set to disabled and gone about my day, I got an empty text box for an API key. So what, does it attempt to make a network call to Sam Altman’s slop machine every time I hit enter, only to fail without an API key? YeAh bUt Go rEaD tHe sOuRCE, sure, but I’ve been using iTerm since Tiger without a need to go read the source (nor become a terminal application developer in five minutes so I could understand it) and had other shit to do that day.

Mind you, OpenAI.com is NXDOMAINed on my DNS servers at home, so I didnt give a shit either way when I upgraded to 3.5.0.

People’s reactions and comments to the dev were wrong, cruel, and uncalled for, but that doesn’t mean the feature couldn’t have been introduced and presented in a way more sensitive to people’s concerns about AI, right or wrong, real or fake. And sure, the dev has every right to do whatever they want with their open source project. They don’t owe us any emotional intelligence or respect or anything, but they also dont have a right to expect everyone to be like, totally cool and vibin with whatever they do. That doesn’t mean “everyone will put up with whatever” (which is not the same as “everyone is entitled to the project”). If the dev removed all themes except for neon pink on neon green and forced your font to be Comic Sans, would the dev be entitled to do that? Sure! It’s not illegal and they don’t owe anyone anything. Would users be entitled to go “uhh, what the fuck?” Sure! It’s not illegal and they don’t owe anyone anything! It only gets gross when people start flinging insults.

Sorry I should have been more clear. Adding a secure default is awesome (I forgot whether it was in 3.5.0 or not, because it was committed early enough that it was part of the discussion from the outset when all the outrage blew up, and it wasn’t enough). It should have stopped there. The plugin is a stupid idea that makes the application less secure and more of a flight risk. IF iTerm is going to have AI integration, THEN it should be the most simple and secure implementation, not a less secure one because some people think separate binary is a better look. Sounds like we’re on the same page about management capabilities.

I still consider those years to be the golden years of the web development. When the fruits of web standards movement started to appear. Alas, then came react and all the good stuff was thrown out of the window. I guess tag soup is palatable, when it is buried deep in node_modules.

Nowadays, I think the opposite. I feel a pang of jealousy and regret when I load a page from before CSS Zen Garden that uses tables for layouts. It still exists and works perfectly. I love how I can automatically date it in my mind, like period furniture or buildings. Unlike the thousands of pages that I made at the time, which are either gone or broken. I yearn for the html files that I lovingly handcrafted as unique pages. I destroyed them myself so that they could use a one-size-fits-all CSS solution. And they could in turn destroy each other with each new site redesign. If I ever get back on the indieweb, I'll be creating each page as a single file and allowing them to age gracefully.

I used to do web dev during the tables-as-layout days. I don’t miss them a little bit. For one, Netscape wouldn’t render anything if the table tag wasn’t closed, and still nothing regardless until it did hit the end tag. And that’s to say nothing of the dodgy layout quirks they had. No thanks.

They work now though. Do you remember all the CSS hacks? All those pages are broken today.

I'm not saying it's better, I'm just saying that I have a lot of regrets about jumping too hard on the bandwagon with a lack of critical thinking, and if I'm honest, evangelism.

Golden years ? I do remember spending nights without sleep against browsers and their CSS support.

It is not. macOS/iOS had it for a long time with AppKit, UIKit. But the progression is usually this: you start with Interface Builder and storyboards or .xibs, then you see the problem with that and gradually move to code-only UI and then start looking at SwiftUI with it's declarative UI like a guy in that meme. GUI for layout just does not cut it, especially when your app runs in very different environments - it can be macOS, it can be a phone or just a smartwatch/widget.

> especially when your app runs in very different environments - it can be macOS, it can be a phone or just a smartwatch/widget.

But the question here is also if it makes sense to basically have the same UI or even UI paradigms for such different types of environments.

Alternate take: macOS/Qt/MFC/React etc. got it wrong, Delphi got it right.

В связи с геополитическими изменениями домен pos.su переименован в pos.ru

Kind of a stranger fart joke, what it says is that because of the geopolitical changes the domains will be renamed. But the first one can be read as "I'll piss" and the second one "I'll poop".

CSS classes in this case are microplastics, not vitamins.

That would make Tailwind a cocktail of micro-plastics, as utility classes are just regular css classes.

There is no technical reason we can't eat soup with a fork. It's just culture.

Simple and useless. You can have any system you want for your personal use, but clocks and calendars are for colaboration. It's nice that you have day and night hours on the clock where you are. No you will travel a few thousand kilometers. You know your decimal time you get there, do you know whether it will be daytime or nighttime? You get there, and it is winter and the dark time is 3x of the daytime. Have you got any idea when anything opens and closes? And why have weeks if you don't have months. How about just numbered days?

In the full version there is an unrolled map of the world down the side with the terminator drawn on which solves all those concerns.

Even if those problems were harder to solve its far more valuable to have a single time for your meeting than multiple times (depending on the time zones and savings time of the participants). The pain of organising international meetings was one of the reasons I did this.


Yes, my preference is basically UTC, just with some UX improvements.

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