I have noticed that a headline with an overtly biased political viewpoint remain unflagged as long as nobody comments or challenges the headline with a more balanced viewpoint.
Once you comment and disagree with the headline it becomes automatically flagged.
These politicallly biased headlines should be taken down before anyone comments.
I do not want to see, nor are interested in, one sided opinions about either the Isreali people nor the Palestinian people. This is readily available on the open internet on news websites.
For me this allows very disagreeable headlines to remain visible for everyone to see until they are commented on or challenged.
Not really freedom of speech. More like I will get away with it until someone comments.
Rather than the scary bird flu headlines, this is how we ended up with bird flu and a list of other significant harms that effect human beings. Farming polluting our environment, our water,
animal farms are breeding grounds for antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Drug-resistant infections contributed to nearly 5 million deaths in 2019
animal farming pollutes our surroundings. The Environmental Protection Agency has documented how these operations can release dangerous levels of ammonia, methane, and particulate matter into the air, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes drinking and surface water sources contaminated with nitrates, phosphorus, and hormones.
Same here in the UK
Poxy factory chicken farms built on the banks of our longest and most beautiful river, the River severn, and then dumping all the shit from those farms into the river.
create a directory on your desktop and save the output to that and make sure your drive has enough space to extract the files.
I made the fatal error in the past of extracting the recovered files to the drive I was extracting files from. which led to the 32gb usb drive being full and the files irrecoverable. silly mistake.
I have even managed to recover files from a newly reformatted drive
It is very important for those companies who want you, the mugs, to work 80 hours per week and only get paid for 40 hours.
There is absolutely no benefit for you if you work hard.
You will die younger from over work.
It is amazing that the Japanese are the only culture with a word for "death by overwork", Karoshi. so there must be substantial evidence that Karoshi "death by overwork" exists.
You work hard for 20 years and the company goes bust, who has benefitted from that? The company not you.
They are just advertising-boxes and now with smart TV's, data collection boxes too
I personally have not watched an advertising-box for over 20 years.
I very rarely meet someone who does not watch TV.
There seems to be sense of sameness about people who watch TV, the complete lack of individuality, espousing the same tired old brainwashed cliche's they hear on TV, the over identification of soap opera and film characters, constant regurgitation of soap opera scripting language, why they are called operas has always defeated me.
The 24/7 news channels all speaking the same language and regurgiting the same biased agenda driven news stories. This is not news its entertainment made from human suffering.
You were all so pleased when you were sold +1 programming schedule, the +1 programs, you could watch your favourite show if you worked late, but really this was about creating more advertising space. same show broadcast an hour later with double the advertising. It was not for your benefit.
I feel a sense of peace and freedom from having no TV, a down to earth humanity.
he always has a spare one
a left ear, a right ear and a wild frontier
he usually sells the wild one faily cheaply