Combining Passage, pass-otp, and age into a single Go app has actually been on my personal hobby-project TODO list (but I haven't gotten around to it yet).
Integrating age plugins into this binary is not something I would do, though. Besides the fact that the plugins are separate projects with their own release schedules, they are also in different languages (plugin-yubikey is Rust, plugin-se is Swift, ...), and you would need to fork them anyway for communication. I guess you could bundle the binaries together in a package, and make sure the search path searches for the bundled binaries as a fallback.
If you make a second backup tomorrow, you'll end up with a new (huge) encrypted tar. restic handles deltas when creating a second backup, and writes new files so that tools like rsync or rclone have to do less work to upload the new data.
That said, I don't see anything strictly _wrong_ with your approach.
Use specialized backup tools! There are cryptographic constructions designed specifically for backup. You will get better backup and better encryption.
"Better backup" aside, as I understand that I'd miss out on deduplication and all the other things backup software can do like keeping track of what it has backed up etc.
"Better encryption": Can you explain why age's encryption isn't sufficient if it's recommended for encrypting files? Really want to understand how it's recommended for encrypting and sharing a file over an untrusted channel like email, but not recommended to encrypt a file and upload it to an untrusted server.