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I had the same thing this morning. Unlock and password reset via another device worked through.

Same here in AU, this happened to me about 8 hours ago. Standard reset procedure worked.

Now when trying to configure a Recovery Key from my 2021 iPad Pro I’m told that I can’t do that from ‘this new device’ of mine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And when I try it from my iPhone I have to wait an hour because of Stolen Device Protection. Apparently I’m not at a ‘familiar location’. I’m at home. I work from home. This phone is in this house for 99% of the time.

Not amazing is it.

I loved Stolen Device Protection when I first heard about it. And now I've wasted hours of my life dealing with it as part of the "Daily Lockout".

And tech companies again demonstrate that they are "all about the user" by providing no clarity, acknowledgement, or empathy around the issue. It's depressing.

Perhaps this is real talent in tech: to make things seem rather than be, and to build ways to avoid service and accountability unless it leads to max profit.

I shouldn't be surprised each time this happens, but optimistically I still am.

Check if you have location services -> system services -> significant locations On. If it's disabled then effectively you have no "familiar location" as far as iOS is concerned

Yeah it’s on… always been on. Thanks for the tip tho’.

Going to an apple store might be an option too with ID, etc.

My other device is locked out too unfortunately.

And SWT is built on calling system native components. Of course the “text editor” ends up being one large custom component that has nothing to gain from being in a “native” View.

All of that said, SWT and Eclipse do know that they are running on MacOS. It would be possible to mimic the same behavior, but that’s hard to do because there are so many minute details per platform.

Often you also have the CI system designed in a way to verify a “from scratch” build that avoids any issues with “works on my machine” scenarios due to things still being cached that shouldn’t be there anymore.

So far none. It hasn’t been released yet.

There are issues at group / org level in GitLab that can span such tasks.

Also, you can create a special project to keep general issues (and use CI in this project to run Gitlab Triage bot to help you with issue management).

With SO you also have no guarantee that the person has the license to put that snippet. Even that could have been copied from somewhere else. A customer was scanning for and banning SO, if that was the only determined source.


A random list of technical things I work(ed) on in my spare time and a reading list of articles I found interesting to remember and share.

The amount of times I’ve put or seen @Transactional in the wrong place where it was never called and silently ignored is pretty high. It always led to very long debugging sessions. Especially if you touch that code once a year.

This is what HAProxy does. At least the reading then dropping privileges. The admin writes the config themselves (or uses their own tool).

The full article (link at the top of the page) has it. The submitted URL is the stripped down text version, maybe with less tracking

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