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I had the same problem long time ago and I contacted a lawyer. He suggested that I write a letter in which I give the company 2 weeks to transfer the money with the threat of calling a lawyer if it is not transferred. And only then get an lawyer. The company transferred the money and the problem was solved in my case.

This looks awesome! Keep sharing. I think many newbies are looking exactly for something like that including me to get startet with AI :)

Thanks :) I’ll post here when I have larger updates.


Location: Nuremberg, Germany

Remote: Yes (Remote Only)

Experience: 10 Years


- TypeScript

- React.JS / React Native

- Jest / Cypress / Playwright

- Node.js / bun.sh

- sqlite

- Docker

- Github Actions / Gitlab Actions

E-Mail: hi@patwoz.de

Rate: 85 EUR / hr

I pay for

- ChatGPT

- proxyman.io (Debugging Proxy - life safer for development!)

- CleanShot (screenshots, screen recordings)

- PixelSnap (measuring distances, rectangles on desktop...)

- Little Snitch (Firewall but also good for network debugging, e.g. turn off network for specific app)

I donate to

- zig language (not using at the moment but looks really nice!)

- lunarvim (ready to use neovim configuration)

- neovim

- brew

- Asahi linux (linux for apple silicon)

- Minisim (menubar tool to lunch android emulators and iOS simulators)

I had never heard of Minisim, looks really interesting. Thanks for that.

Why do you pay for ChatGPT? To avoid rush hours?

Yes, It's much faster. Not just in rush hours. But apart from that I like to pay for products that make me more productive :)

Thank you!

Did it for 5 years with mailinabox hosted on a cheap 3€/month vps on OVH with a custom .de domain. But I had severals issues in this time e.g. with mails coming from Office 365 Mails. So I switched 3 months ago to mailinabox.org along with my custom domain. Also paying just 3€/month.

Curious what service you are using, as site for mailinabox.org does not exist.

My guess: they mean mailbox.org, which almost matches the domain and has a plan costing 3 euros/month.

Uh sorry. Yes, I meant mailbox.org

Ah, thanks!

Hey, I just started my Freelance career last September. I have the exact same years of experience and also located in Germany. You should take a look at Freelance.de and freelancermap.de. I'm getting 2-5 projects requests each day. I just finished my first project successfully and will start my second project next week. As a web developer I can earn 70-100€/h. That’s 2.5x more than I got as a full time employee. You should have at least 2 months of earnings as a backup due the payment deadlines. The only thing I regret is that I didn't start much sooner :)

Hi, thanks for the info. Indeed I know of both these sites but I didn't know the rates possible there. My first rough calculation gave me an estimate of 80€/hour as a lower bound. My target would be 100€ but it wouldn't be a problem to start out with 80€.

How much of the offers you are receiving are low-ball crap offers you would say? Also for how long are these contracts going on average? Thanks for your input.

What’s your expertise and technology stack?

100€ is easily possible, I think it is kind of the default rate in my space (Python Data Engineering, cloud stuff, …).

From my experience there are almost exclusively very professional people on those platforms so no low balling.

Typical contract will be 4-5 days a week for 3-18 months

Good to know. My stack is mostly in the space of Go, Kubernetes, Docker, Linux, backends, microservices, networking etc. I think it is kinda one of the hotter topics these days.. so that could help.

If anyone is from the US, I would be interested to know the equivalent US site(s).

I'm using Tailscale HTTPS for that


The biggest complain for me about nextjs is the testing part. Did you ever tried to create a Monorepo which includes nextjs and want to run integration tests like any other react app with react-testing-library? Good luck. The integrated routing solution makes it really hard. There is a Community solution to named „next-page-tester“, but nothing official. That’s much better with gatsby and it’s built-in usage of reach-router. I hope it’s the same with remix.

I would bet on that, given that Kent C. Dodds has been almost annoyingly speaking about Remix in the past few months (he's been hired last week) and that he is obsessed with testing.

Yes, of course. But that’s the case for all new languages. You need to learn it. After some time you will be much faster in programming with a typed language as in a untyped.

Can someone explain the difference of redux to elm? I don’t see a difference on the first look. I‘m a React/Redux Developer.

Quickly? Redux is a state container that supports Flux actions and Elm is a language with a companion architecture that's recommended. The comparison would be between Elm and Javascript/Typescript+React+Redux, as it provides the ability to implement those featuresets out of the box, including Messages, which is the TEA answer to Redux and Flux actions (more or less).

Personally, I find working with Elm's state management features is like heaven compared to dealing with Redux+Typescript's intensely noisy types.

TEA was the inspiration for Flux/Redux IIRC.

> compared to dealing with Redux+Typescript's intensely noisy types.

Anybody have any experience on how this compares to ReasonML + React?

Redux is to React what the 'update' function is to Elm architecture (first code example in the following link)


Answering your question, the difference is Elm has a more expressive type system than javascript, and will catch a lot of errors for you, with excellent error reporting from the compiler.

The layout of the code becomes less important, because the compiler will catch most errors (actually recommended in elm guides not to split in too many files until overwhelmingly necessary)

They're really similar. Elm works hard to abstract away the JavaScript universe and create really clearly defined borders regarding being inisde Elm land or outside of Elm land. Specifically, interacting with external libs, etc. involves retrofitting them to work via a port, which lets side effecty stuff come in as a standard message without having to deviate from the basic design. Redux may do something similar (I forget), but the gist of what I'm saying is that Elm works really hard to adhere to its core primitives to limit cognitive overhead for most tasks.

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