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you guys might also like http://llmprices.dev, similar but it's automatically updated with the latest info every 24h

> If you want to quickly debug something, you can use this inspector without installing anything, in the same session.

> Load it on the fly by pasting this snippet to your Python interpreter

The idea of having a project's readme include a full copy of the project itself as base64'd compressed data is pretty ingenious!

especially for a project like this where you may not have had the foresight to preload it into the environment where you most need it

This piqued my interest so I made an ollama modelfile of it for the smallest variant (from TheBloke's GGUF [1] version). It does indeed seem impressively gpt4-ish for such a small model! Feels more coherent than openhermes2.5-mistral which was my previous goto local llm.

If you have ollama installed you can try it out with `ollama run nollama/una-cybertron-7b-v2`.

[1]: https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/una-cybertron-7B-v2-GGUF

Same, I enjoyed atuin but found myself missing fzf's fuzzy search experience so I ported fzf's own ctrl-r zsh widget to read from atuin instead of the shell's history to solve this. Best of both worlds imo, you get fzf's fuzzy search experience and speed with atuin's shell history management and syncing functionality.

Zsh snippet below in case it's helpful to anybody. With this in your .zshrc ctrl-r will search your shell history with fzf+atuin and ctrl-e will bring up atuin's own fuzzy finder in case you still want it.

It only searches the last 5000 entries of your atuin history for speed, but you can tweak ATUIN_LIMIT to your desired value if that's not optimal.

    atuin-setup() {
        if ! which atuin &> /dev/null; then return 1; fi
        bindkey '^E' _atuin_search_widget

        export ATUIN_NOBIND="true"
        eval "$(atuin init "$CUR_SHELL")"
        fzf-atuin-history-widget() {
            local selected num
            setopt localoptions noglobsubst noposixbuiltins pipefail no_aliases 2>/dev/null

            # local atuin_opts="--cmd-only --limit ${ATUIN_LIMIT:-5000}"
            local atuin_opts="--cmd-only"
            local fzf_opts=(
                "--bind=ctrl-d:reload(atuin search $atuin_opts -c $PWD),ctrl-r:reload(atuin search $atuin_opts)"

                eval "atuin search ${atuin_opts}" |
                    fzf "${fzf_opts[@]}"
            local ret=$?
            if [ -n "$selected" ]; then
                # the += lets it insert at current pos instead of replacing
            zle reset-prompt
            return $ret
        zle -N fzf-atuin-history-widget
        bindkey '^R' fzf-atuin-history-widget

Thanks, just needed to set `CUR_SHELL=zsh` to make it work. Also `brew install atuin fzf`

iOS actually has a hard to find setting that lets you make the screen super dim. It's been a lifesaver when using my phone in the evening. To enable it go to Settings -> Accessibility -> Zoom and then tap the Zoom toggle switch.

Once that's enabled iOS will now bring up a super secret popup menu whenever you double tap the screen with three fingers. From the little popup menu go to Choose Filter -> Low Light and your screen will go dimmer than is normally possible. With this on and the normal brightness mode set to its lowest setting the screen can get quite dim indeed.

There’s two settings you can use in tandem to get an OLED iPhone brightness even lower than that.

First is the zoom trick you’ve already described, then you can use the “reduce white point” display accessibility setting to apply even more darkening.

With minimum display brightness, low-light zoom mode and white point reduction set to 100%, the display gets very very dim. If you do this in normal lighting conditions, the display is basically impossible to see.

> Once that's enabled iOS will now bring up a super secret popup menu whenever you double tap the screen with three fingers.

On current iOS you don't need to be in zoom and double tap. The zoom filter is also available by tapping the "Zoom Filter" setting which is 6 items below the Zoom setting in Settings -> Accessibility -> Zoom. The double tap in zoom thing is there to make it easy to quickly change the filter while zoomed.

This and the white point setting void-pointer suggested are both controllable from Shortcuts.

There is a Zoom action that supports turning zoom on, off, or toggling it, a White Point action that supports turning it on or off, and a Brightness action that supports setting the brightness to a given percentage or asking for the brightness.

I just tried making two Shortcuts, "Low Light" and "Normal Light".

Low Light:

  Turn Zoom On
  Turn White Point On
  Set Brightness to 0%
"Hey Siri, Low Light" then works. It does leave you zoomed, so you need to cancel that, but then you are left at 0% brightness and whatever Zoom filter you have set is in effect. "Turn White Point On" will set the white point reduction to whatever percentage you have it set to in the Reduce White Point system settings.

Normal Light:

  Turn Zoom Off
  Turn White Point Off
  Set Brightness to <ask each time>
That does what you'd expect. Siri asks you what brightness you want from 0 to 1. You can change that to a specific percentage if you don't want to be prompted.

PS: This only fully works on iOS. On iPadOS zoom filters only work while actually zooming, and then only apply to what is shown in the zoom rectangle. On iOS the zoom filter applies when zoom is enabled regardless of whether or not you are actually zoomed.

The white point reduction does work on iPadOS so you do get some lowering of minimum brightness but not as much as on iOS when you can use both.

THANK YOU! I have wanted this since forever. I can't believe this is locked away so deeply and inconveniently.

Yes, I use this trick. You can adjust the filter to your heart's content. But I agree with the parent here that it should go dimmer as-is and we shouldn't need this. I'm not sure how light perception works, if it's a logarithmic thing like noise, but if not, this scale should probably be logarithmic instead. Or even moreso if it already is. Because I think we generally don't care exactly how bright it is if it's bright daylight and we need to max it, but conversely care much more for reaching the dimmest levels if we're in bed (or if we don't care, we probably should according to the article).

You can also set Settings -> Accessibility -> Accessibility shortcut (at the bottom) -> Enable “Reduce white point”

Now you can triple-click lock button to make screen dimmer. I have been using this for ages, saves your eyes in the dark.

For what it's worth, as far as I understand, you actually need to activate the Zoom Controller to get the menu mentioned above.

I just tried this out. Turned on zoom, without the controller, couldn’t get the menu when three-finger double-tapping.

However, when I three-finger triple-tapped, the menu showed up.

Do you know does this actually lower the backlight or is it changing gamma or something like that. I'll try it anyways thanks

iphones are all OLED now, so there is no distinction.

On an old LCD display there are some filters that do a linear/nonlinear mapping from 0->255 brightness to 0->64 for example, leaving the actual backlight at the same brightness. The downside is that colour banding and quantization start to get really bad - and 'black' starts to look very non-black.

My older iphone is not oled so that would explain why I did not like this setting when I tried it some time ago like what you say about blacks looking out of balance. Thanks

The latest iPhone SE still has an LCD screen. It was released in 2022 and is still a current model.

https://www.shellcheck.net/ and it’s accompanying cmdline tool/ lsp integrations is a lifesaver for preventing that kind of thing. It’ll warn you if you’re doing anything not portable and even smartly changes it’s behavior depending whether your shebang line uses bash or sh (iirc)

this looks cool! had a hard time finding the repo from the website tho! (for anyone who comes across this later, it's here: https://github.com/toughyear/gaac)

this is awesome, and what a name!

how do you access another machine's clipboard with tmux?

ssh -t that-machine tmux -s your-session show-buffer


| ssh -t tmux … set-buffer -

I keep a cobbled together version of something like this in my rc files. The ui mimics macOS’s pbcopy/pbpaste commands (it degrades gracefully on linux boxes too by falling back to xsel if available, and then to a tmp file for use on headless servers).

The special sauce is that you can put a server name from your ssh config on the end of a pbcopy or pbpaste command so you can do stuff like run `echo hello | pbcopy server2` on server1, after which doing `pbpaste` from server2 would print 'hello'. You can also do this in the other direction with pbpaste, eg from server2 you can run `pbpaste server1` and it'll print out the contents of server1's clipboard.

The current setup is a bit coupled to my rc files, but if there's interest would be glad to refactor a bit and toss it on github

> if there's interest would be glad to refactor a bit and toss it on github

Even just upload it in its current state would be nice :)

yep, I want this and you're half way there!

what's the missing half? file transfer?

YOU put this together! I've just realised. What a dude! Great rally.

I'd like to do this with a client/server routine where the server will spit out to any client connected with a tunnel

Very interested

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