Same, I enjoyed atuin but found myself missing fzf's fuzzy search experience so I ported fzf's own ctrl-r zsh widget to read from atuin instead of the shell's history to solve this. Best of both worlds imo, you get fzf's fuzzy search experience and speed with atuin's shell history management and syncing functionality.
Zsh snippet below in case it's helpful to anybody. With this in your .zshrc ctrl-r will search your shell history with fzf+atuin and ctrl-e will bring up atuin's own fuzzy finder in case you still want it.
It only searches the last 5000 entries of your atuin history for speed, but you can tweak ATUIN_LIMIT to your desired value if that's not optimal.
atuin-setup() {
if ! which atuin &> /dev/null; then return 1; fi
bindkey '^E' _atuin_search_widget
export ATUIN_NOBIND="true"
eval "$(atuin init "$CUR_SHELL")"
fzf-atuin-history-widget() {
local selected num
setopt localoptions noglobsubst noposixbuiltins pipefail no_aliases 2>/dev/null
# local atuin_opts="--cmd-only --limit ${ATUIN_LIMIT:-5000}"
local atuin_opts="--cmd-only"
local fzf_opts=(
"--bind=ctrl-d:reload(atuin search $atuin_opts -c $PWD),ctrl-r:reload(atuin search $atuin_opts)"
eval "atuin search ${atuin_opts}" |
fzf "${fzf_opts[@]}"
local ret=$?
if [ -n "$selected" ]; then
# the += lets it insert at current pos instead of replacing
zle reset-prompt
return $ret
zle -N fzf-atuin-history-widget
bindkey '^R' fzf-atuin-history-widget
Zsh snippet below in case it's helpful to anybody. With this in your .zshrc ctrl-r will search your shell history with fzf+atuin and ctrl-e will bring up atuin's own fuzzy finder in case you still want it.
It only searches the last 5000 entries of your atuin history for speed, but you can tweak ATUIN_LIMIT to your desired value if that's not optimal.