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Shout out to anyone else on HN who grew up in Kinderhook NY!

how could they forget to mention the Talespin Iron Vulture when talking fictional versions!.. that will always be my vision of a flying aircraft carrier!


Thanks, I wanted to point out the exact same glaring omission. Unbelievable! :')

I wonder if this will impact api.weather.gov.. I hacked a little wunderground inspired dashboard a while back (https://weather.nikolaj.dev) that I still use most days.. but have stalled out a bit in rolling my own marine forecast for surf reports. Would love if they finally populated those fields (saves me figuring out the grib files)

I love this! Weather underground's 10 day forecast is my favorite UI/layout, but the ads haven gotten brutal.

Fwiw one of their architectural diagrams or api.weather.gov outside the scope of this project :)

I like the interface.

Nit: it redirected me to San Diego weather after a few seconds after I had already put in a different location. Maybe because I block the location request?

The cliche responses, but.. Sports offer similar flow states,. but do require some effort to get to that point. Additional bonus is you get fit and meet people as well . Personally I surf, run, bike, but other good ones are rock climbing, martial arts, cross fit .. it's never too late to start (but injuries do start accumulating on some of the more intensive ones after 40)

> it is okay to be a complete beginner at stuff

Understanding this before 30 is a super power.

The counterpoint is all the security issues generated when dev teams re-implement the already-well-implemented. Your points are valid, but as with anything, it is not cut and dry.

If your software is ultimately dependent on thousands of other modules from various developers all over the Internet, you have no idea whether what you're depending on is actually well implemented or not.

Didn't you just describe most Linux distributions?

No. First, Linux is an entire operating system, not a single application. Second, when people pull software from their Linux distribution that ultimately comes from developers all over the Internet, they do it to use the software themselves, not to develop applications that others are going to have to deal with. Third, Linux distributions put an extra layer of vetting in between their upstream developers and their users. And for a fourth if we need it, I am not aware of any major Linux distribution that has pulled anything like the bonehead mistakes that were admitted to in this article.

> No. First, Linux is an entire operating system, not a single application.

Sorry, to clarify: when I say "Linux distro" here, I mean the distribution package sets, like Debian or Ubuntu.

> Second, when people pull software from their Linux distribution that ultimately comes from developers all over the Internet, they do it to use the software themselves, not to develop applications that others are going to have to deal with.

The distros are chock full of intermediary code libraries that people use all the time to build novel applications depending on those libraries, which they then distribute via the distro package managers. I'm not quite sure what you mean here... I've never downloaded libfftw3-bin for its own sake; 100% of the time I've done that because someone developed an application using it that I now have to deal with.

Conversely, I've also used NodeJS and npm to build applications I intend to use myself. It's a great framework for making a standalone localhost-only server that talks to a Chrome plugin to augment the behavior of some site (like synchronizing between GitHub and a local code repo by allowing me to kick off a push or PR from both the command line and the browser with the same service).

> Third, Linux distributions put an extra layer of vetting in between their upstream developers and their users.

This is a good point. It's a centralization where npm tries to solve this problem via a distributed solution, but I'm personally leaning in the direction that the solution the distros use is the right way to go.

This is not the normal Economist, but their lifestyle rag "1843", which does tend towards more trivial cheeky long form articles

my nokia 770 disagrees (from the bottom of a tub of old cables and networking gear)

If Wikipedia is to be believed, that's smaller than many of today's smartphones (apart from the 19mm (!) thickness). Not really a tablet, despite the name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_770_Internet_Tablet

I would believe that most phones these days are bigger than an old tablet.

Heck, some phones reaching the size of my Nexus 7!

By diagonal screen measurement, yes. The Nexus 7's aspect ratio makes it much wider than phones though (120mm vs ~70-80mm). A 7" smartphone is likely to have almost no bezel too.

Oh, completely. My Nexus 7 had a 7" screen, while the iPhone 12 Pro Max is 6.7", and the Galaxy S 21 Ultra is 6.8".

My Nexus 7 total size was more like 9" diagonal due to bezel.

same experience level, similar formula. Take your gut estimate, double it, double that new value, then add another "increment".

e.g. say you think it will take a day, so 2 days, 4 days, add another day, likely estimate is 5 days.

My pet theory is that when we estimate, we typically think of how long it will take to figure out a working solution to the problem, but forget about how long it takes to debug it, add tests, rework for changed requirements and unexpected nuances, and then roll it out and do any training, etc.

I can't even count the number of times I have seen privileged information dropped onto a "presentation" laptop during a meeting. I hope they are better at controlling that than most.

Yep, plus the configuration of the laptop could possibly be of value. Depending on how it's setup, you could see the AD domain name, naming pattern of usernames and domain computers, setup and names of network drives, group policy settings, etc. Nothing too crazy on its own but could help facilitate a larger breach. Having a portable computer that's already configured to connect to the network you want to breach is possibly pretty useful.

Let's hope the drive is encrypted and that it has a half decent boot password on it.

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