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The scam was sophisticated and unfortunately most banks are not sophisticated. They call you up and expect you to give them loads of personal details because tbey have some upsell for you. They train people to be scammed. They should instead call and tell you to call them back at their official telephone number.

Shit almost 0.1% of money deposited to Revolut is defrauded.

This problem goes beyond banks to the very core of all we do. How do you know you are talking to a real coworker on zoom?

Maybe governments will create real digital IDs and ubikey like devices and also backed up by phone 2fa etc. The more accounts you need to hack to impersonate someone the harder these attacks will be.

What if scale is easier. Digital ocean app service is way easier to set up than a droplet. Easier to deploy to too and monitor. And same price (ok you don't get persistent storage in that)

It is soo cheesy. The crab is even pulling a YT thumbnail face.

Or the dev wants more money

I am of the opinion that curl is better simply because you are already in the command line. You can use vim fzf or bash with it. Also curl will be the same on the day you die.

(քաք) sure looks cute though

I think you could bundle online search and LLM, offline (personsal) search and LLM and it would make 10-20 bucks a month attractive. Why just do internet search. Be my search for everything!

I think it should be free or cheaper for people who genuinely cant afford it to give the equity of access that Google does.

Top tier Kagi subscription allows you to tack a '?' onto the end of search and an LLM of your choosing will reply FYI.


They are.

Who is?

Various average joes. I see lots of polymathism at work. Extreme sports, art, music to go along with coding or whatever.

It it is just not to the genius level that is required to get HN excited.

Many switch to coding from another profession. Examples: real engineers, army, accountants.

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