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The NYT wishes there was one. Sorry fellas, nobody cares about your struggle and eventual death. :-(

And going online without an ad blocker is simply irresponsible.

Also posting such a link to HN is simply irresponsible.

...anyone who has an adblocker won't know the site is bad. >_>

People on HN should know better. Your average person though won’t.

I'm an average person on HN. I specifically don't use ad blockers. You might need to adjust some of your assumptions.

I was agreeing with you...

The article mentions how Windows reads an ACPI table, looks for a specific executable file, and willingly runs it. It's not the BIOS forcing anything to happen, Windows goes out of its way to look for an .exe that is bundled in the BIOS and then happily runs it.

I suppose there are more transgenders every year. Are killings of transgenders actually going higher when we compensate for that?

>I suppose there are more transgenders every year.

What's your basis for believing this?

>Are killings of transgenders actually going higher when we compensate for that?

If n trans people are killed one year and > n trans people are killed another year, the number of trans people killed has gone up, regardless of the size of the population itself (which, for reasons stated in the article, can't be accurately measured anyway.)

>What's your basis for believing this?

I don't know. It sounds reasonable to me that as time passes more people become transgenders because it's more acceptable. Similar to homosexuality.

>If n trans people are killed one year and > n trans people are killed another year, the number of trans people killed has gone up, regardless of the size of the population itself (which, for reasons stated in the article, can't be accurately measured anyway.)

Yeah but the headline makes it sound like it's a problem that's worsening but if the % is not going up then the problem has the same severity.

> It sounds reasonable to me that as time passes more people become transgenders because it's more acceptable. Similar to homosexuality.

The visibility of transgender identity might go up as it becomes more socially acceptable (although at the moment, it's probably the least socially acceptable form of LGBT identity) but no one becomes transgender (or gay) because of that, as if it were a fad.

>Yeah but the headline makes it sound like it's a problem that's worsening but if the % is not going up then the problem has the same severity.

The article presents numbers, not percentages. It's impossible to know percentages without an accurate view of the size of the transgender community, among other reasons because transgender people may not self-identify, or may be purposely misgendered.

There may not be more transgendered people, but there may be more people who actively identify as transgendered, just due to the increase in publicity and information surrounding the community. As something becomes less stigmatized, more people are open to speak publicly about it. If 100 people are killed, 20 of them are trans, but only 10 are "out" then only 10 are reported as trans. If all 20 of them are "out" then 20 are reported. That doesn't change the number of people who were killed.

sic? it's spelled neighbour in British English

Yeah, I know you are just baiting me.

How is U+1F604 corporate-controlled?

Corporations control how it's rendered. Can change the glyph around as they see fit. Famously done with the gun emoji.

Corporations control how all shipped font glyphs are rendered on their platforms. An emoji isn't fundamentally different.

Use open source software if you actually care about this.

I agree with you on the gun emoji thing, that was gloriously retarded. But all in all, you can always choose an open source rendering of the glyph.

I think the point is you can't have the people you're sending the emoji to to use your open source rendering of choice. That's how it's corporate controlled. In contrast, corporations don't have as much choice in how plaintext glyphs render, without making them potentially unrecognizable.

Couldn't they just make their font have a ligature so that :-) turns into whatever they want? That's how some programming fonts make stuff like -> or != look different.

The backspace button no longer works to go back, you need to press alt+backspace

That's chrome only. However, the history jacking applies even if you use the browser's back button.

Wait until they find out about all the fleshy spy devices that Israel planted in the Congress.

Not everybody lives in the US. I trust my ISP. They are cool, and their handling of my data is regulated under the GDPR and other laws. CloudFlare? Not so much.

I am also not in the US. However, everywhere I look I see large ISPs with questionable ethics who are centralized providers of DNS.

I'm struggling to see why DoH means "is even more of your private data to a centralized provider with questionable ethics", which is what the OP said.

Mozilla is rolling this out in the US, where there are few ISPs across the nation.

Might sound like a conspiracy, but yes, I think they are getting money. They are definitely not sending the entire browsing history of users (DoH) and even the contents (VPN[]) to CloudFlare and getting nothing in return... right?

[] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20927832

I'm not in the business of data, so I don't know what the browsing habit of millions of people are worth.

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