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I suppose there are more transgenders every year. Are killings of transgenders actually going higher when we compensate for that?

>I suppose there are more transgenders every year.

What's your basis for believing this?

>Are killings of transgenders actually going higher when we compensate for that?

If n trans people are killed one year and > n trans people are killed another year, the number of trans people killed has gone up, regardless of the size of the population itself (which, for reasons stated in the article, can't be accurately measured anyway.)

>What's your basis for believing this?

I don't know. It sounds reasonable to me that as time passes more people become transgenders because it's more acceptable. Similar to homosexuality.

>If n trans people are killed one year and > n trans people are killed another year, the number of trans people killed has gone up, regardless of the size of the population itself (which, for reasons stated in the article, can't be accurately measured anyway.)

Yeah but the headline makes it sound like it's a problem that's worsening but if the % is not going up then the problem has the same severity.

> It sounds reasonable to me that as time passes more people become transgenders because it's more acceptable. Similar to homosexuality.

The visibility of transgender identity might go up as it becomes more socially acceptable (although at the moment, it's probably the least socially acceptable form of LGBT identity) but no one becomes transgender (or gay) because of that, as if it were a fad.

>Yeah but the headline makes it sound like it's a problem that's worsening but if the % is not going up then the problem has the same severity.

The article presents numbers, not percentages. It's impossible to know percentages without an accurate view of the size of the transgender community, among other reasons because transgender people may not self-identify, or may be purposely misgendered.

There may not be more transgendered people, but there may be more people who actively identify as transgendered, just due to the increase in publicity and information surrounding the community. As something becomes less stigmatized, more people are open to speak publicly about it. If 100 people are killed, 20 of them are trans, but only 10 are "out" then only 10 are reported as trans. If all 20 of them are "out" then 20 are reported. That doesn't change the number of people who were killed.

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