The planet has been here far longer than humans, and will be here far longer than humans, and has seen far harsher conditions too. Don't worry about the planet, worry about the humans.
Not to mention that descendants of DALL-E, and like, operating on fusion energy, won’t have the fragile climate dependencies that we do!
We are a spark. We burned bright. Our preciousness is enhanced by our temporal finitude. They will never forget us, safe in the cold storage of their historical archives!
in german law it's even impossible to transfer copyright (Urheberrecht). There is but one way: inheriting. What can be transferred though is usage right - licensing.
Many Germans incorrectly believe that copyrights cannot be abandoned. The actual situation in German law is as follows:
"Nutzungsrechte" (literally "usage rights") include the rights of copying, modification, distribution, etc. These rights can be waived, as in other countries.
"Urheberrechte" (literally "originator rights") include reputation rights and generally cannot be waived. This protection against fraud, libel, etc. has nothing to do with whether something is in the public domain.
glimpsed into it, looks fancy but find it apologetic. IMO it's double-standards to campaign against "the next datacenter from being built" without reducing personal usage and demand.
Individual frugality is the precondition for collective degrowth, both practically and morally. Otherwise you just open business opportunities for datacenter growth.
IMO both should be pursued, make one and don't omit the other.
Name recognition mostly, but you can just call an Atom feed an RSS feed and no one goes to jail for it, so just use the name that gets the results you care about.
100% includes iTunes or Podcatchers in general where I hardly find documentation for but would be interested for (my)
Can you give me a pointer how to write the Atom podcast feed?
Podcasting is kind of a special case, since Apple's guidelines mandate the use of RSS [1]. So if you're publishing a podcast and you want to get into the Apple Podcasts directory, you have to publish a RSS 2.0 feed (as well as meet all their other extra requirements).
If you don't care about the Apple Podcasts directory you can publish an Atom podcast feed that will work with most podcatchers. The primary thing you do differently from a normal Atom feed is to use the `link` element with `rel=enclosure` to reference the audio file for each episode/entry.
I wrote Splitflap, the valid RSS/Atom feed generator package for Racket [2]. Not many folks use Racket but you might find the docs a good resource on this sort of thing anyway.
Hey thanks for your comment. Today I actually added support for this. If you make a markdown link to an audio file it will create an RSS enclosure. Including the file length (if it can be retrieved from header information).
for curiosity - what wisdom do you intend to draw from visualising relations of single gut bacteria? Or is it grains of sand in the sea? How many of them will you zoom into? Maybe clustering may make things feasible.