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Still dont understand why anyone would "pay" for this. The default model will probably be better in pretty much all cases. I guess if someone randomly has some sort of esoteric knowledge? Seems very limited.

Not sure how much you've used custom GPTs. They are currently flawed and buggy but I think they hold promise. They combine 3 things:

1. A custom initial prompt (yeah - you can paste this in every time and keep a personal database of special purpose prompts - but it rather kills the convenience and utility)

2. A JSON description of one or more APIs that can be used (not just for retrieveal of information - but potentially to take actions. This aspect is under-explored IMHO)

3. Uploaded documents which (I presume) are encoded into a vector database. This part is currently the most flaky. I was hoping this was a way to get round context-window limits. It has worked very badly so far and I'm not sure I understand why.

If these things start working effectively in combination then there's potentially a "the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts" going on here. Each of these things is fairly useful on it's own but if you combine them and have them on tap - and someone else has put the hours in to making them useful and well-tuned - then it is potentially transformative.

Yes - GPT on it's own is pretty good at a lot of things, but you spend a long time working around it's flaws and blind-spots.

Custom GPTs don't cure all the warts but they are still potentially a force-multiplier.

EDIT - I'm also currently underwhelmed how well the other "special powers" work together. Image generation can't be fed into Image Understandin. Python is hamstrung in various ways. And GPT has no real understanding of how to prompt Dall-E. In fact it's worse at prompting than I am.

These flaws are potentially fixable. I hope.

3. working seamlessly would be a major thing. 1. and 2.? I used both, together, for months, via TypingMind.com (alternative frontend UI, bring-your-own-API-key).

This is not to advertise the service - even though it does deserve it, at the very least for having a perpetual license instead of subscription bullshit - just to say that a) OpenAI is lagging way behind the obvious in everything surrounding the models themselves, and b) the combination of 1. and 2. is convenient, but not ground-breaking. At least, not unless you hook a powerful enough "actuator" via 2. This, I agree, seems underexplored.

(Or underreported? It's an obvious lever to go after, a lot of people have said they're going after it, it's reasonable to expect some spectacular results from this, and yet... nothing. Crickets. Is everyone just staying silent and trying to build a bullshit startup to monetize whatever cool thing they made?)

I guess. I assume the OpenAI vision, in the short term, is for there to be a beefy LLM on top that can call the correct sub LLMs that have more bespoke knowledge about random things, and sort of orchestrate an answer based on that.

Not sure why OpenAI feels the need to pay people for this though, I guess to incentivize use?

They all use a beefy LLM though.

ArxivXplorer works fairly well all considered... Bypasses the PDF and exposes math in a better format to the LLM.

They work OK if you don't set your expectations too high.

Is a custom GPT just a boatload of prompts injected by default?

This «merge with the ai» thing never makes any sense. What possible improvement would a hunan provide a super intelligent AI in some merge operation?

The way I imagine it, the superintendent AI might not know we exist. Not at first.

I mean, have you ever tried to have a conversation with one of your cells? Maybe they talk back and we've just been listening wrong.

Once you learned that they do talk back, would you try to rid yourself of them? I wouldn't.

It is an emotional response to the fear of being "left behind".

And for some folks, there are pseudo-religious elements. There's been a long line of thought (search Extropians) obsessed with a sort of godhead-merger, or becoming godlike, and related immortality dreams. And just from a symbology perspective, there are a lot of religious overtones. The similarities between Vinge's singularity and biblical rapture are hard to miss, for instance. And just listen to some of the "AI" cheerleaders right now...

In my opinion calling something similar to religious thinking is not an actual argument against it at all, as many smart people in the past who developed important concepts have been religious. See plant genetics, the "big bang" theory, and outcome matrices. It's kind of the other way around of the "Jesus said this (in some out of context statement) therefor you should take in all the refugees, no I don't believe in any of that stuff" meme. If you're asking an atheist "since this sounds like something a (intelligent) Christian said in the past you should disagree with it" you should check if the original argument made sense with the assumed priors (i.e. "God exists") before throwing it away in general for any assumed priors. On the other hand, merging with AIs is not a good idea and sounds like a very good idea to bring yourself and the species to ruin, especially if ASI are involved, even if not doing the merging themselves.

You seem to think I'm arguing against something there. I'm not, it is strictly descriptive.

Any merger attempt is unlikely to go well, but there have been many intelligent Christian and non-Christian Russian cosmists (or just cosmists, the "C" in TESCREAL) so I don't think "sounds religious" is a good argument for or against. I do agree that merger is cope, and it's probably reasonable to write off all "AI controls the world, de facto or otherwise" upsides, but criticisms should be against the actual thing, not its aesthetics.

Must be all those stimulants they pop finally driving to psychosis.

A really cheap and efficient way to get around and multiply.

We are cheap, disposable tools for machines.

If machines figure out how to farm humans, they're set...it's way more practical than mining resources, refining them, producing materials and using the materials to build a mechanism to travel around in.

Wait, isn't this the plot of a popular 90s movie?


It's from the original script at least, not the batteries explanation in the final product.

If a "super intelligent AI" is something in the vicinity of an LLM, which does nothing but respond to prompts, then humans provides a necessary element. Without a prompt, it'll just sit there doing nothing forever.

Maybe thats what makes it AGI. Currently there is no AGI. There are many, many, many things people can do that AI cant. At an abstract level it makes sense that adding a little human to AI could be what makes AGI.

Yes, computers are already so perfect.

Or is it that your emotions and thoughts are where all the value is, and a machine executing its function is no different to a hammer?

Culture and probably successful fitness function for some time before it can simulate universes.

Ideas are, will be, and always has been, worthless on their own.

As the GP was suggesting, ideas+generative ai is not worthless. That's what makes it significant.

Ideas can change the world. Memes (not the internet-images) are extremely powerful.

But if you meant, an idea alone can't be packaged and sold. That's true...

These boys will not be your rank and file employees. They will operate exactly as they have done in OpenAI. Only difference will be that they no longer have this weird "non-profit, but actually some profit" thing going on.

These investors must be very dumb. Like pushing toothpaste back in the tube.

What makes them dumb? I think he's been a great CEO.

You think life was better before oil?

They're probably not trying to convey that.

But, to take a stab at that, yes, I personally think there can be some very specific viewpoints that, if compared to how things are today, some aspects of life were quantifiably better than they are today.

If we're holistic about it? Then all the human, technological and societal progress probably overshadows those teeny-tiny aspects of human life that were better before oil. It all depends on your own viewpoint and what you personally think is valuable in life.

Are you not considering climate change?


Can you please not post in the flamewar style and also please not fulminate in HN comments? It's not what this site is for, and destroys what it is for.

This is in the site guidelines: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html.

apologies, fixed.

As smart as the people are at OpenAI they sure do some incredibly stupid things.

I guess it proves that this "company" is ran by scientists and not business people, which I guess is reassuring?

The company is run, somehow, by people who have never run much of anything in their lives. Results are as expected.

How that situation came about would be an interesting story in itself.

Does that not apply also to Sam Altman?

When he got started, yeah. I don't know how he became a YC partner without investing a lot more than he would've netted from the Loopt exit.

At this point I don't think anyone can question his track record, based on OpenAI's success at both R&D and fundraising. They are apparently trying to get him back onboard, if that means anything...

I mean most of the people high up in the company as well as the entire board appear to be fairly junior (early to mid 30s).

Did only Sam have Satya Nadella's phone number? Seems like a rude surprise for a Friday afternoon.

Your concern for Microsoft feelings is noted...

Haha yeah they are kicking out the CEO of their most profitable venture because he uses a mac.

It is a shame. Altman always seemed like his heart was in the right place with this stuff.

Much prefer him to the deepmind people who seem almost psychopathic by comparison.

This is the craziest thing I have ever seen.

Well, maybe not?

In the new business world of AI? Definitely.

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