You can zoom in a lot on the 2490 × 1328 pixels offered. When you hit the download button for the full version, you get nagged.
Edit: you can zoom in, and then it will offer up the painting in slices at a higher resolution. So in theory you could download those and stitch them together if you manage to hit an unscaled version.
> The majority of developers are unacquainted with features such as processing instructions and entity expansions that XML inherited from SGML. At best they know about <!DOCTYPE> from experience with HTML but they are not aware that a document type definition (DTD) can generate an HTTP request or load a file from the file system.
Developers are even less aware that SGML has (and always had) quantities in the SGML declaration, allowing among other things to restrict the nesting/expansion level of entities (and hence to counter EE attacks without resorting to heuristics).
Regarding DOCTYPE and DTDs, browsers at best made use of those to switch into or out of "quirks mode", on seeing special hardcoded public identifiers but ignored any declarations. WHATWG's cargo cult "<!DOCTYPE html>" is just telling an SGML parser that the "internal and external subset is empty", meaning there are no markup declarations necessary to parse HTML which is of course bogus when HTML makes abundant use of empty elements (aka void/self-closing elements in HTML parlance), tag omission, attribute shortforms, and other features that need per-element declarations for parsing. Btw that's what defines the XML subset of SGML: that XML can always be parsed without a DTD, unlike HTML or other vocabularies making use of above stated features.
Keep in mind SGML is a markup language for text authoring, and it would be pretty lame for a markup language to not have text macros (entities). In fact, the lack of such a basic feature is frequently complained about in browsers. The problems came when people misused XML for service payloads or other generic data exchange. Note SOAP did forbid DTDs, and stacks checked for presence of DTDs in payloads. That said, XML and XML Schema with extensive types for money/decimals, dates, hashes, etc. is heavily used in eg ISO 20022 payments and other financial messages, and to this date, there hasn't evolved a single competitor with the same coverage and scope (with the potential exception of ASN.1 which is even older and certainly more baroque).
> Regarding DOCTYPE and DTDs, browsers at best made use of those to switch into or out of "quirks mode", on seeing special hardcoded public identifiers but ignored any declarations.
Not when processing XML mime types. In modern browsers that mostly means SVG files, but i think XHTML is still possible.
(Modern) HTML is neither SGML nor XML, so it doesn't follow the rules of either.
"Modern" WHATWG HTML is still following SGML rules to the letter in its dealings with tag inference and attribute shortforms ([1]). Which isn't surprising when it's supposed to hold up backward compat. To say that "HTML is not SGML" is a mere political statement so as not be held accountable to SGML specs. But (the loose group of Chrome devs and other individuals financed by Google to write unversioned HTML spec prose that changes all the time, and that you're calling "modern HTML" even though it doesn't refer to a single markup language) WHATWG had actually better used SGML DTDs or other formal methods, since their loose grammar presentation and its inconsistent, redundant procedural specification in the same doc is precisely were they dropped the ball with respect to the explicitly enumerated elements on which to infer start- and end-element tags. This was already the case with what became W3C HTML 5.1 shortly after Ian Hickson's initial HTML 5 spec (which captured SGML very precisely) ([1]). But despite WHATWG's ignorance, even as recent as two or three years ago, backward compatibility was violated [2]. Interestingly, this controversity (hgroup content model) showed up in a discussion about HTML syntax checkers/language servers just the other day ([3]).
Where HTML does violate SGML was when CSS and JS were introduced already, to prevent legacy browsers displaying inline CSS or JS as content. The original sin being to be place these into content rather than attributes or strictly into external resources in the first place.
Regarding SVG and XHTML, note browsers basically ignore most DTD declarations in those.
> "Modern" WHATWG HTML is still following SGML rules to the letter...To say that "HTML is not SGML" is a mere political statement so as not be held accountable to SGML specs.
That is self-contradictory and makes no sense. If its following sgml to the letter than there is nobody to be held accountable for violating the sgml spec and hence nobody to hide behind "political statements".
You can't have this both ways.
> Regarding SVG and XHTML, note browsers basically ignore most DTD declarations in those.
They listen to dtd's for entity references and default attribute values. I'd hardly call that ignoring.
Most of these exploits are so famous that common xml processors have disabled the underlying features.
So in practise you probably dont have to worry too much as long as you dont enable optional features in your xml library. (There are probably exceptions)
Nope, it's not a coincidence - it's an interesting exploration of the history of the definition of a metre. Read the article.
As it says, at some point there was an attempt to standardise the length of a metre in terms of a pendulum's length; which related it directly to g through Pi.
Perhaps not all that offtopic - Hatetris is what happens when you subvert normal the rules and make the game play against you. Anti-mimetics stories are what happens when you subvert the rules of ideas and make them play against you.
I can imagine a common space of inspiration there.
I never really lost my love for programming, but twenty years in the n-th commercial project in the more common languages (plus a front end based in whatever combination of JS frameworks is the new flavour) really ground a lot of the original creative joy out of it for me. The interesting bits got too easy and the hard bits got more uninteresting.
Elixir is a breath of fresh air; it's purely functional so it requires thinking a bit differently, but it's accessible enough to start easily and pretty enough that it's not a soup of parentheses (looking at you, lisps). It's practical and well suported enough to build a wide variety useful things, and very good at concurrency.
There's a difference between asking someone to invert a binary tree, and asking someone to sum up a list of numbers. The latter finds the people who can't code much more quickly!
I'm surprised no one yet - either in the comments or the article - has talked about the most important and powerful part of Scrum: having a singular sprint goal aligned with a higher level product goal that the entire team is dedicated to.
That it's also the most difficult or commonly ignored part of Scrum might also be relevant.
Probably because it's almost impossible (and probably co-incidental when it does happen) to align all software engineers on a team to a common outcome at all times. Nor should you.