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This is our (my company) take on Linear Algebra, but then with exercises:


SOWISO | E-learning platform for Math & Science | Amsterdam | ONSITE only | FULL-TIME SOWISO is a flat and informal organization. You will immediately get a lot of responsibility and trust. Therefore, we expect you to be able to work independently, but also to be a team player.

You'll work with PHP (MVC), MySQL and JQuery, but also expect to see Linux/bash, AWS, CI (Jenkins, GitLab), Puppet, webpack, Babel, npm etc.

Would you like to join us in creating our interactive software? Are you challenged by developing a innovative online learning platform? And are you ready to join a small company? Then get int touch via info@sowiso.com with subject 'software developer'.

SOWISO | E-learning platform for Math & Science | Amsterdam | ONSITE | FULL-TIME SOWISO is a flat and informal organization. You will immediately get a lot of responsibility and trust. Therefore, we expect you to be able to work independently, but also to be a team player.

You'll work with PHP (MVC), MySQL and JQuery, but also expect to see Linux/bash, AWS, CI (Jenkins, GitLab), Puppet, webpack, etc.

Would you like to join us in creating our interactive software? Are you challenged by developing a new online learning platform? And are you passionate about education? Then get int touch via info@sowiso.com with subject 'software developer'.


SOWISO | Amsterdam | onsite

SOWISO is an edtech company from Amsterdam. We have developed a learning environment for mathematics and science and accompanying digital higher education math courses.

We're looking for a junior software developer to join our team!

SOWISO is a flat and informal organization. You will immediately get a lot of responsibility and trust. Therefore, we expect you to be able to work independently, but also to be a team player.

Would you like to join us in creating our interactive software? Are you challenged by developing a new online learning platform? And are you ready to join a small company? Then send us your CV with a cover letter to: info@sowiso.com with subject 'junior software developer'.

We've got just the right course for you at passyourmath.com

Does anyone know how the hackers got in?

On the flip side, does anyone you examples of projects with perfect documentation?

NumPy [0] and matplotlib [1] both have well designed tutorials, specific function documentation, and integration with IDEs for Intellisense help while programming.

[0] https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.12.0 [1] https://matplotlib.org/contents.html

PostgreSQL has very thorough and well-written documentation.

Like with everything the PostgreSQL project creates, the documentation feels comprehensive, authoritative and solid. It's always my first port of call if I have a question.

The one thing I'd like to see is more examples. Sometimes a quick demo of a function is all that's required for basic use.

I really like the way (most of) PHP is documented. Every function gets a page, most of those pages get usage, examples and comments. However, when you go into some of the more obscure stuff, the documentation tends to just be function prototypes. So not perfect but I really enjoy it.

SQLAlchemy docs are very good. I remember having to drop two layers of abstraction under the main API to get some very specific stuff done and it was still documented with useful example code.

The actual software design is great as well, single-handedly changed my mind about ORMs.

I think TeX came pretty close.

I think the Exim spec is pretty much the gold standard for reference documentation, but they need a separate user-friendly introduction too (there was a separate paper book at one point).

Laravel is always praised for its documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/

I've heard that every comment in code follows the same pattern: every line becomes smaller and smaller. There is a lot of dedication in this project.

This beautiful-docs repo has a list of higher quaility docs...


If this wasn't sarcastic, it probably should have been.

There is no perfect documentation, because you can't predict your audience. I document code in such a way as to make it easier for myself to go back to it. I've kicked myself too many times to count where I didn't document something; went back to code, found it confusing, went to find out who wrote it only to discover it was me.

Document your code for yourself.

If you are writing starting a project or writing it for yourself, this is great advice.

If you aspire to have it used by other people, it is still good advice, but only a first step. The next step is to test the documentation. Have someone run through your intro tutorial and see both:

- How hard is the tutorial to work through

- How well does it help them build a mental model of the major interfaces of the project.

RabbitMQ, very easy to start in any language you'd want.

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