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Hey, Dart is now supported

Last commit was 8 years ago. I don't think anyone gonna use it now.


as an occasional tinkerer who's very fluent in JS, getting to play around in a known language is a bonus. Side projects that require learning or re-learning languages usually go nowhere because the language itself becomes the side project.


I will let you know when it's supported!

> I looked into a half-dozen or so alternatives, but all the other companies were either simply Google ads re-sellers, which is an ecosystem I don't quite understand, or were extremely sketchy, and had reviews complaining about how they trick people into downloading malware and such.

This is so true. I have tried to monetize my tools with ads quite a few times before, and the only way was to use Adsense. It's actually crazy how there is literally no quality alternative.

Funnily enough some Google resellers are paying more than Google.

I have no clue how, they must be burning investors' money

They provide curation to the ad buyers. Basically the marketplace is broken for both sides.

Could you elaborate please ? You got me intrested but I can't make anything of what you mean by "curation".

If you only want your ads next to quality content or on sites that are not drowning in ads so your ad is more impactful, then Google won’t help. But a third party can provide that through their curated list of sites.

Basically they are in the business of providing human curated targeting parameters instead of the algorithm based that Google supplies.

Thanks :)

Why couldnt they be “sudsidized” by G to uphold monopoly? If they bring in clients that otherwise are not going there? they simply cost more

Doesn't Microsoft have an ad network?

Yes, but not as distributed as adsense

AdSense also has semi-scams that trick people into subscription through their ceil carriers.

And they are hard to block as a site owner as they seem to constantly have new accounts.

> This is probably the first time in history that a graphic artist has painted a functionally workable computer program by accident.

More accurately, a programmer accidentally came up with a language that can run on real world paintings

It's like "Do some SEO magic and Tada!"

And who forgot the recent Reddit story.

Could you link it please? I have unfortunately no idea what you are referencing

Your last line immediately made me think. probably in near future, techies of the future would say something similar about our achievements, maybe gpt, or 4 qbit quantum computer.

...and enjoy such a cute and naive retro technology. "Ah ! Good old times".

PCs and their games from the 90's are already retro gaming.

I am not a lawyer or something, but maybe, saying "By continuing, you agree to have the call recorded for quality and training purposes" makes more sense? It's technically verifying the consent, I guess.

Why would I have to say anything in a one party consent state?

If they don't fix this thing soon, wait for youtubers and bloggers to come up with "Proven SEO hack for 2024"

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