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Show HN: GitHub tool to generate and update code documentation automatically (supacodes.com)
6 points by madcoderme 17 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Hi guys!

While working in teams, internal documentation is important. But the problem is, writing it takes much time. It doesn't end there, keeping them up-to-date is a big deal as well.

I built this simple tool that analyzes your codebase and automatically generates documentation right into your Github repo. Whenever you make a new commit, it analyzes the updates and modifies the existing docs to keep them up-to-date.

That means, you don't need to spend time struggling with docs again. And, the new hire won't stare at the senior for that huge undocumented codebase. It works for any team size, so scalable for startups and agencies.

I launched this a few weeks ago and it has already improved a lot with all the feedback from people. I am building this in public, so you can see my progress on twitter too.

I would love to know your thoughts on this! Any suggestions or feedback would be highly appreciated!

This is very interesting. Would love to try it but Dart/Flutter is not yet supported

Hey, Dart is now supported

I will let you know when it's supported!

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