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There aren't major innovations in chairs or mugs that make you throw out your whole collection every few years. Smartphones are just becoming a commodity and there's nothing wrong with that.

Make companies and their leadership responsible for any harm or damage that comes from AI generated content or actions. If a recipe is a hallucinated recipe and poisons someone, treat it the same as if someone created a salad recipe calling for raw kidney beans and rhubarb leaves in order to intentionally harm someone.

AI creates a ton of garbage unmitigated, and cracking down on when that garbage is harmful will be a good way to reduce the amount of garbage these companies put out.

Can you hold a hammer manufacturer responsible for a murder?

It is the users, and laws, that must control this.

Companies should add traceability to their AI products.

Govt.'s should ban non traceable content.

Holding users accountable for their actions is the only way forward to be safe and innovative at the same time.

If a company has an AI tool, then you must treat everything that comes out of that tool as if it came from the company directly. If something harmful comes out, then the product is defective and they must compensate users like any other defective product.

If a hammer manufacturer sometimes produced a hammer that exploded like a hand grenade on impact, they would be held liable for that.

In this case the hammer would follow the murderer's intent. It's not a suitable analogy.

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