For context, because I had to look it up: For BB(6), Σ(6) is known to be least 10 ↑↑ 15 for in Knuth's up-arrow notation. You can read this as 10^(10 ↑↑ 14) = 10^(10^(10 ↑↑ 13)) and so on. It's much more than just a lot.
Interesting, the dentists I have asked (4) all said it doesn't matter (Spain and Germany, maybe it's relevant) at all and it's up to personal preference.
I was traveling in the EU a year ago and was in need of a toothbrush. The one I picked up at an arbitrary pharmacy in Antony, FR has nothing special about it but has lasted (I mean the bristles are not wearing hard or splaying, getting soft, whatever the usual failure mode for a toothbrush is) in 12 months of use. And I'm usually pretty hard on my brushes.
Why can't we in the US just have nice cheap things. Why is everything an electronic life-hack with a fun take on how to be eco-concious, that involves buying something I don't already own?
For what it's worth, the toothbrush was also not the cheapest I could find (that would have been Lidl or somesuch), and was made in France, so maybe that makes a difference.
The usual problem with toothbrush bristles is they become microscopically worn down, so they don't scrape off plaque as effectively. Even if you can't see the problem, it might not be working as well as a fresh head will.
You can find electron microscope scans of fresh toothbrushes and worn ones in this[0] Applied Science YouTube video.
A Boatmurdered read is one of the few times I actually burst out laughing in front of my screen - multiple times.
Every time I read it I want to get back into dwarf fortress, but this damn game introduces so much new stuff over time that I can't shake off the feeling it's just too much for me. I _loved_ that game until about ten years back but haven't played in ages.
Congratulations! The local API client space urgently needs some Open Source tools that don't suck. I've ditched Postman and Insomnia for Bruno, but since this supports gRPC I really want to give it a try.
Python as a scripting language sounds nice, I don't particularly enjoy working with JS and I think it'd be a nice addition for people like me who prefer something else. Not having to install an electron app is also huge for me.
For me, installation failed with "Package xkbcommon-x11 was not found in the pkg-config search path.". I needed to install libxkbcommon-x11-devel on fedora.
It definitely is super snappy and lightweight.
Is there an option to use a dedicated directory for a workspace to share it in git? That'd be huge for me, being able to commit the request yaml files to git is super nice
What I mean is that it'd be nice if you could store them somewhere else explicitly. Create a new workspace and store its contents in your code repository so that you can commit it and share it with your team directly through git.
I'd be super interested in your writeup, I'd like to build a homemade Tonie for my kids as well. Any way you could contact me when you're finished or do you have a blog I could regularly check out?
It definitely does not show that, it's just a number and you're interpreting it. But other interpretations are just as valid, e.g.
- Germans founding less because they're more risk-averse
- having less AI startups because other types of companies are founded more often
- Less wish to found because of a strong job market that gives you excellent jobs with decision power/money/whatever it is you seek in founding yourself
- People have more families and don't want to quit their current jobs
I probably could come up with more. Is it a hassle to found a new company in Germany? Sure. But I've found that for people who do want to start something, that's not a showstopper. Personally, I would attribute low startup numbers to cultural risk aversion of Germans
> I would attribute low startup numbers to cultural risk aversion of Germans
Which is literally one aspect of how easy or hard it is to create a startup and get it somewhere. Can't fire people quickly enough since market is changing daily? Well it will be a nightmare for the owners to become or remain relevant enough to stay afloat.
I am not bashing EU just to be clear, having more job stability has tons of long term positive consequences on population's mental state and 2nd and 3rd order positive effects (the usage of various 'mental' medication in US seems to be ridiculously high compared to 3 countries in Europe I've lived in for example), but good environment for agile fail fast startups it ain't.
In Germany specifically, but I'd guess it applies to most other countries as well, these strict rules apply once you have 11 employees. A lot of startups work with contractors anyways. And you can always fire people if your company needs it to survive.
As far as I'm aware, California has some of the strongest labor protection laws in the US, yet lots of startups. There's clearly more factors involved than labor protection laws, e.g. VC money, culture, etc.
Sure, stronger labor protection might be a result of cultural risk aversion. But I'd be very hesitant to call it "literally one aspect of how easy or hard it is to create a startup and get it somewhere"
I didn't say its the only aspect, just one of key ones. Bureaucracy must be another critical aspect, one reason why ie France or Italy are literally centuries behind with very little to no hope to ever catch up given its population priorities.
I agree with what you say, SV culture and sheer amount of startup-compatible talent plays a massive role too. Its a momentum that would take half a century of dedicated effort to even catch up.
The thesis of the article is broadly correct but the reasoning it uses to get there is questionable.
Every country has its quirks. The US has a very high cost of living and consequent high salaries. No wonder it’s important to be able to fire workers quickly. The high wages are also more than balanced by the amount of capital available.
In Germany it’s harder to fire workers but they also get paid a fraction of their counterparts in the US, so there’s not such a rush.
I wouldn’t start a startup in Germany either, because of the insane dysfunction of German bureaucracy. The money is not even a factor when dealing with the system is already such a pain.
For me, it's the opposite. The type system is decent, but it's generics can get extremely out of hand, it's not sound, and I run into weird type errors with libraries more often than not.
Having no integer types (ok, this isn't something typescript could just implement) other than BigInt is another big one for me.
That you can just do `as unknown as T` is an endless source of pain and sometimes it doesn't help that JS just does whatever it wants with type coercion. I've seen React libraries with number inputs that actually returned string values in their callbacks, but you wouldn't notice this until you tried doing addition and ended up with concatenation. Have fun finding out where your number turned into a string.
The number of times I've read `... does not exist on type undefined` reaches trauma-inducing levels.
TypeScript is as good as it can get for being a superset of JS. But it's not a language I have fun writing stuff in (and I even fear it on the backend). It has its place, and it's definitely a decent language, but I would choose something else for frontend if I could, and wouldn't use it on the backend at all. I somehow don't trust it. I know people write amazing software with it, but YMMV I guess.
This comes up in every one of these threads and I always wonder: do you actually experience problems with soundness in your regular coding? (Aside from `as unknown`, which as others have noted just means you need a linter to stop the bad practices.)
It feels like such a theoretical issue to me, and I've yet to see anyone cite an example of where it came up in production code. The complaint comes off as being more a general sense of ickiness than a practical concern.
Soundness is a constraint more than a feature. Having it limits what is possible in the language, forcing you into a smaller set of available solutions.
So for me it's not about running into unsound types regularly but how much complexity is possible and needs to be carved away to get at a working idea because of it. In TS I spend relatively a lot of time thinking about and tweaking minute mechanics of the types as I code. Where by comparison in ocaml (or more relevantly rescript) I just declare some straightforward type constructors up front and everything else is inferred as I go. When I get the logic complete I can go back and formalize the signatures.
Because of the unsoundness (I think? I'm not a type systems expert) TS's inference isn't as good, and you lose this practical distinction between type and logic. And more subtly and subjectively, you lose the temporal distinction. Nothing comes first: you have to work it all out at once, solving the type problems as you construct the logic, holding both models as you work through the details.
yes, all the time. It's more of an issue of no runtime type safety, which makes it a poor choice for many backend projects. There are workarounds, but it's silly when there are many better alternatives.
In this case, not really. TypeScript can't be sound because there is zero runtime type safety in JS. That you are able to do `as unknown as T` makes TypeScript unsound, but it's also an escape hatch often needed to interact with JavaScript's dynamic typing.
It's never needed, it's just often convenient for something quick and dirty. You can always write a guard to accomplish the same thing—roll your own runtime safety. If you want to avoid doing it manually there's Zod. It's not that much different than writing a binding for a C library in another language in that you're manually enforcing the constraints of your app at the boundaries.
You're blaming TypeScript for self-inflicted wounds.
Don't blame the type system that you banished (with `as unknown as T`) for not catching you; or for some React library having bugs, e.g. an incorrect interface; for not defining types and Pikachu-facing when types are `undefined`. These traumas are fixed by using TypeScript, not ignoring it.
These issues don't exist in languages that aren't built on a marsh.
More specifically though, I feel like the way javascript libraries with types work is often painful to use and that's why people use TS's escape hatches, whereas the same thing doesn't happen in languages where everything is built on types from the get go.
The same friction is true for example of using C libraries from other languages.
The rest of the world is an equally muddy marsh. C++: static_cast, C: void-pointers and unions, java/c#: casting back from (object) or IAbstractWidget.
If anything, typescript has the most expressive, accurate and powerful type system of the lot, letting you be a lot more precise in your generics and then get the exact type back in your callback, rather than some abstract IWidget that needs to be cast back to the more concrete class. The structural typing also makes it much easier to be lax and let the type engine deduce correctness, rather than manually casting things around.
C is famously unsafe. But in Java/C#, you do have runtime type safety. You can't just cast something to something else and call it a day. In the worst case, you'll get an exception telling you that this does not work. In TypeScript, the "cast" succeeds, but then 200 lines later, you get some weird runtime error like "does not exist on type undefined" which doesn't tell you at all what the source of the error is.
In TypeScript, a variable can have a different runtime type from its declared type entirely, that's just not true for many other languages
I'm not sure about the CLR, but the JVM has no type safety whatsoever. Java the language does, but all of that goes away once you are in the JVM bytecode.
This is just partially true (or completely untrue in the mathematical sense since your statement is "_no_ type safety _whatsoever_" :P ). The whole purpose of the bytecode verifier is to ensure that the bytecode accesses objects according to their known type and this is enforced at classloading time. I think you meant type erasure which is related - generic types do not exist on the bytecode level, their type parameters are treated as Object. This does not violate the bytecode verifier's static guarantees of memory safety (since those Objects will be cast and the cast will be verified at runtime), but indeed, it is not a 100% mapping of the Java types - nevertheless, it is still a mapping and it is typed, just on a reduced subset.
"don't exist in languages that aren't built on a marsh"
Sure. Last time I checked, JavaScript is the language that actually powers the web. If you can get a language that isn't built on a marsh along with all the libraries to run the web, I'll switch in a second.
In other words, the criticism is simply irrelevant. If it works, it works. We don't talk about technologies that don't exist.
Not run on the web, "to run the web". Maybe someday WASM will be complete enough to actually run the web, but JavaScript is what we have right now and it's done a pretty okay job so far.
> These issues don't exist in languages that aren't built on a marsh.
Unsafe casts exist in almost any GCed strongly typed language. You can unsafe things even in Rust, if you want to. Author of this code has deliberately made a choice to circumvent language's limitation and forgo it's guarantees. We have been doing it since undefined behaviour in C, how is that Typescript's fault?
Totally! I really wonder what these libraries people are complaining about that have such bad type definitions. In my experience TS definitions on the average NPM package are generally fairly decent.
Well, the reality of the situation still is that there are libraries with incorrect or low quality typings that blow up in your face. Me using TypeScript will not make that library better, but this problem is still the daily reality of using TypeScript. It's not the fault of TS, but still a pain you encounter when working with it.
I haven't worked with a language where you can statically cast invalid types that easily since C, a language not exactly famously known for its safety.
There's a reason `as unknown as T` exists, and it's JavaScript's highly dynamic nature and absence of runtime types (ignoring classes and primitives). It's an escape hatch that is needed sometimes. Sure, within your own codebase everything will be fine if you forbid its use, but every library call is an API boundary that you potentially have to check types for. That's just not great DX
I haven't worked with a language where you can statically cast invalid types that easily since C, a language not exactly famously known for its safety.
But it’s not the same situation at all, is it? If you make an invalid cast in C, your program will crash or behave in bizarre ways.
If you make an invalid cast in TS, that doesn’t affect the JS code at all. The results will be consistent and perfectly well-defined. (It probably won’t do what you wanted, of course, but you can’t have everything.)
TS is much more like Java than it is like C (but with a much nicer type system than either).
Meh, in Java (afaik) you'll get exceptions when you cast incorrectly. In JS and C, it just gets allowed and you get some runtime error later on and have to make your way back to find your incorrect cast.
I tend to agree with you but for problem like this one:
> That you can just do `as unknown as T` is an endless source of pain
You should be using strict typingcheck/linting rules somewhere in your pipeline to make these illegal (or at least carefully scrutinised and documented).
1. If someone is willing to do `as unknown as T`, they're probably also just as willing to do `// @ts-ignore`.
2. It's not only your own code, it's the libraries you use as well. Typings can often be slightly incorrect and you have to work around that occasionally.
Popular libraries tend to get type hygiene issues ironed out rather quickly for 90% of the API surface area. For this reason, i find that lib selection from npm is much easier these days. The heuristic is simple:
1) has types? 2) has (large) download count? 3) has docs?
After that it’s generally smooth sailing. Of course this doesnt at all apply to the application codebase being applied to, but one of the parent/sibling remarks emphasized “madness” and i seek to smooth that over.
For #1, this is literally what PRs are for. Someone might be willing to do it, but it should be stopped before merge. If it isn’t, you have bigger problems to solve than type coercion.
For #2, if it’s open source you’re welcome to change the source or its typings.
You can also turn off all warnings in C and C++ (and C#?). That's not a flaw in the language it's a flaw in code bases and programmers that turn them off.
ESLint rules that require type information (not just stripping types) are prohibitively expensive for larger code bases.
As far as I know, there isn't any kind of tsconfig rule to disallow this (please correct me if I'm missing something here!). So unless you're using tools I don't know about, this is kind of a mandatory last bastion of "any".
You can disallow any, enable the strictest possible null/undefined checks (including noUncheckedIndexedAccess).
And there's also the assertion TS check that normally prevents erroneous type assertions.
But "as unknown as MyType" is not preventable by means of tsc, as far as I know. Unless there's an option I don't know do disable this kind of assertion (or even all assertions).
How large is too large and what counts as prohibitive? We're using lints with types on over a million lines of TypeScript and the lints are instant inside of the editors. They take a good 10 minutes to run in CI across the whole project, but that's shorter than the tests which are running in parallel.
Good point, I was talking about similarly sized code bases, yes.
Because of the hefty CI runtime increase, myself I opposed to adding it. We have lots of parallel branches that people work on and many code reviews every day, where the CI just needs to run from a clean slate so to speak.
But most of the current long CI run penalty in the frontend of that comes from tsc, not ESLint, in my case.
I might look into it again.
In the project there already are all kinds of optimizations (caching to speed up full Ci runs with common isolated parts of a monorepo).
And for TS, project references + incremental builds for development are used, tsc in a monorepo would be miserable without them.
I think it depends on your code and dependencies. At work, the time between making a change in our codebase (which is much smaller than a million LOC) to having ESLint update itself in the IDE can take 5+ seconds, depending on what you changed. But we also use some pretty over-engineered, generic-heavy dependencies across our entire codebase.
None of these are performance concerns. Modern JS engines are plenty fast for most of my use cases.
It irks me that I can't trust it to be an integer within a given range. Especially with Number, I often have the sensation that the type system just doesn't have my back. Sure, I can be careful and make sure it's always an integer, I've got 53 bits of integer precision which is plenty. But I've shot myself in the foot too many times, and I hust don't trust it to be an integer even if I know it is.
As for BigInt, I default to it by now and I've not found my performance noticeably worse. But it irks me that I can get a number that's out of range of an actual int32 or int64, especially when doing databases. Will I get tto that point? Probably not, but it's a potential error waiting to be overlooked that could be so easily solved if JS had int32/int64 data types.
Sound currency arithmetic is a lot harder when you have to constantly watch out for the accidental introduction of a fractional part that the type system can't warn you about, and that can never be safe with IEEE 754 floats. (This doesn't just bite in and near finance: go use floating-point math to compute sales tax, you'll find out soon enough what I mean.)
Bigints solve that problem, but can't be natively represented by JSON, so there tends to be a lot of resistance to their use.
Not really. In my parent comment I tried to make clear that it's not a limitation for me in real-world scenarios I encounter, but still something I feel like being a potential class of problems that could be so easily solved.
When I really needed dedicated integer types of a specific size, e.g. for encoding/decoding some binary data, so far I've been successful using something like Uint8Array
> Especially with Number, I often have the sensation that the type system just doesn't have my back.
That's sounding dangerously close to dependent types, which are awesome but barely exist in any programming languages, let alone mainstream general purpose programming languages.
You could do this with a branded type. The downside will be ergonomics, since you can't safely use e.g. the normal arithmetic operators on these restricted integer types.
> As for BigInt, I default to it by now and I've not found my performance noticeably worse. But it irks me that I can get a number that's out of range of an actual int32 or int64, especially when doing databases. Will I get tto that point? Probably not, but it's a potential error waiting to be overlooked that could be so easily solved if JS had int32/int64 data types.
If your numbers can get out of the range of 32 or 64 bits then representing them as int32 or int64 will not solve your problems, it will just give you other problems instead ;)
If you want integers in JS/TS I think using bigint is a great option. The performance cost is completely negligible, the literal syntax is concise, and plenty of other languages (Python, etc.) have gotten away with using arbitrary precision bignums for their integers without any trouble. One could even do `type Int = bigint` to make it clear in code that the "big" part is not why the type is used.
I love it personally and with gRPC I don’t really have much of a need for any kind of backend framework at all. I just follow the guidance at and raw dog it using language primitives for the most part.
But they do ask you only two digits of the pin on each try and they probably will lock your account after three incorrect attempts. Not saying 6 digits is secure, but it's better than everyone using "password" if they have a string policy on incorrect attempts.
And don't hm they have 2FA for executing transactions?
I'm pretty sure banks are some of the most targeted IT systems. I don't trust them blindly, but when it comes to online security, I trust that they built a system that's reasonably well secured and other cases, I'd get my money back, similar to credit cards.
I personally also vouch for DataGrip, a fantastic tool. No browser based tool is going to come close to the experience of an actual desktop app imo