But what do you use to actually take the notes? After trying a bunch of apps I settled on VS Code with a custom Profile that has all the settings, extensions and UI states that I need for taking markdown notes.
I realised that I already spend at minimum 8-10 hours a day in VS Code, why learn another app with all the different quirks, UI and key bindings...
Clibu Notes is a note-taking and Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) app that works on desktop, tablet, and smartphone. Local first, fast with first class editing, backlinks etc. Simple, effective note taking, always accessible everywhere. See Clibu.com
I'm on a similar path (VSCodium + FOAM plugin, and then using MkDocs & Roam-links plugin to export as HTML). Can you share some of the VSCode plugins / settings / color schemes / etc which have been working well for you?
I don’t get the genocide argument. Israel has complete air superiority, if genocide was the goal they could have leveled Gaza in the first day. Casualties would have been at least over 1 million not 30k. And they wouldn’t go door-to-door, drop flyers and knock-bombs (again why bother if genocide is the intent). The fact that the causality count is as low as it is considering they are fighting a genocidal terrorist organization that’s honeycombed itself in heavily populated civilian centers is already an achievement.
Older, more expensive workers are targeted by IBM to be pushed out of the org. They run on cheap offshore, domestic visa, and younger labor, except near the top of the org.
IBM has a median age of 48 as of 2020. While it's true that they've repeatedly done stuff that smells a lot like age discrimination, it's still a pretty old company all things considered. Compare that to Google, Facebook, etc.
I work for Red Hat, acquired by IBM. None of the older developers working for Red Hat have been laid off. Actually developers as a group were mostly left intact by the one layoff we did have.
I would have thought folks wouldn’t care less about superfluous stuff like “charisma” on HN and would like a monotone, calm robot-like man that 95% of podcast just lets their gust speak and every now and then just asks a follow-up/probing question. Thought Lex was pretty good at just going with the flow of the conversation and not sticking too much with the script.
I have never listened to Dwarkesh but I will give him a go. One thing I was a little put off by just skimming through this episode with Zuck is that he’s doing ad-reads in the middle which Lex doesn’t.
> Though it seemed completely automated, Just Walk Out relied on more than 1,000 people in India watching and labeling videos to ensure accurate checkouts. The cashiers were simply moved off-site, and they watched you as you shopped.
This is both sad and pathetic. Not to mention devastates the local community. Instead of kids being able to get their first part-time job in a local shop stocking shelves or doing checkout these opportunities were completely offshored abroad.
You can definitely pass JWT as a query param (and often are in embedded scenarios) and no its not the same as logging passwords unless you literally place the password in the payload (which would be stupid).
As someone who's evaluating both Remix and Next right now Remix makes it very clear and front-and-centre that you can (and perhaps should) bring your server. Next documentation barely mentions it, if you're lucky to find anything at all and in some parts they discourage it and push you to embrace the "serverless/edge" future.